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我们的俄罗斯环球旅行者 ANI 无法享受足够的阳光和性爱。或假期。这一次,她探索了塞浦路斯的黄金海岸。 该岛以其自然美景、令人难以置信的海滩和美妙的夏季葡萄酒而闻名。难怪 ANI 发现它是一个值得一游的地方。以她自己的特殊方式。 期待与 ANI 和她的旅行伙伴一起度过一连串热情、大胆和亲密的时刻。在地中海最性感的岛屿上。
Our Russian globetrotter ANI can’t get enough of sun and sex. OR holidays. This time she explores the golden shores of Cyprus.
The island is well known for its natural beauty, mind boggling beaches and splendid summer wine. No wonder then that ANI found it a place worth visiting. In her own special way.
Expect a string of hot, daring and intimate moments with ANI and her travelling companion. On the sexiest island in the Mediterranean Sea.
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