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模特/演员夫妇 Sali 和 Quin 非常喜欢他们的第一部自制性爱录像带,因此他们决定与 HEGRE 社区分享: “经过六年的关系,我们自发地想到制作一段视频来庆祝我们对彼此的深切爱意。为了给这部电影一种特殊的感觉,我们同意在日出时分在巴塞罗那的一个屋顶上拍摄。那天被邻居抓到的风险给了我们额外的兴奋……” 快来加入两个热恋者之间亲密的能量交换吧。就在西班牙最具活力的城市中心!
Model/actor couple Sali and Quin enjoyed their first homemade sex tape so much that they decided to share it with the HEGRE community:
“AFTER SIX YEARS of relationship we had the spontaneous idea of making a video to celebrate the deep love we have for each other. To give the film a special touch we agreed to do it at sunrise on a rooftop in Barcelona. The risk of getting caught in the act by our neighbours gave it all an extra excitement on that day…”
Come and join the intimate energy exchange between two passionate lovers. Right there in the middle of Spain's most pulsating city!
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