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劳伦是基辅的美国女孩。她是一名旅行模特,但她的才华并不止于此。她非常喜欢抽屉,她是一名拥有博客的自由撰稿人,而且她已经进入裸体造型成为创作过程的一部分。 与她共度的日子将充满光明与美好,因为那是劳伦。她令人惊叹的笑容、闪亮的金发、轻盈的年轻身体和活泼的精神都是快乐的主要剂量。这是一个你会发现自己想要一次又一次回到身边的女孩。 实际上,我们情不自禁地分享劳伦的生活乐趣。当她带我们度过她的一天——画裸体、啃浆果、玩性玩具、试穿新衣服、淋浴——她活泼的精神伴随着我们。谢谢你,劳伦!这是何等的享受!
Lauren is an American girl in Kyiv. She works as a traveling model, but her talents don’t stop there. She’s quite a drawer, she’s a freelance writer with a blog, and she’s gotten into nude modelling to be a part of the creative process.
The day you spend with her will be filled with light and beauty, because that’s Lauren. Her amazing smile, shiny blonde hair, lithe young body, and bubbly spirit are a major dose of happy. This is one girl you will find yourself wanting to return to again and again.
In effect, we can’t help but share in Lauren’s joie de vivre. As she takes us thru her day – drawing nudes, nibbling berries, playing with sex toys, trying on new clothes, showering – her bright effervescent spirit carries us along. Thank you, Lauren! What a pleasure it is!
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