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HEGRE 的第 1018 部电影以我们的新型号 VALERIA A 作为您的特别向导和伴侣,带您回到敖德萨的魅力。 从敖德萨高楼大厦的壮观城市景观开始,Valeria A 带我们穿越了一个充满文化宝藏的繁荣大都市。不要忘记镇上总是开放和友好的人们。 Valeria A 也是一位成功的服装设计师,邀请您体验一场非常私密的时装秀。 这是一幅温暖、亲密的肖像,描绘了一位年轻的乌克兰模特,她决心在持续不断的战争阴影中脱颖而出。您会和我们一样印象深刻和高兴!
HEGRE’s 1018th movie takes you back to the enchantment of Odesa with our new model VALERIA A as your special guide and companion.
STARTING OFF with the spectacular city view from the Odesa high-rises, Valeria A takes us through a thriving metropole abundant with cultural treasures. And not to forget the always open and friendly people around town. Valeria A is also a successful clothing designer, and you are invited to experience a very private fashion show.
Here’s a warm, intimate portrait of a young Ukrainian model determined to make it amidst the ongoing shadow of war. You’ll be as impressed and delighted as we are!
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