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Valeria A 是蛇蝎美人的定义:聪明。复杂的。自信的。而且出奇的好看。 在敖德萨出生长大,经过多年的模特生涯,她对这座城市了如指掌。她开朗外向的性格使她在文化舞台上拥有众多朋友和崇拜者。如今,她是一名时装设计师,拥有自己的服装品牌。没有放慢速度的计划! 热烈欢迎我们最新的模特 Valeria A。她将从敖德萨港为您带来一串珠宝。
Valeria A is the definition of the femme fatale: Smart. Sophisticated. Confident. And strikingly good looking.
BORN AND RAISED IN ODESA, she knows the city inside out after many years of modelling. Her open and outgoing character has given her loads of friends and admirers on the cultural stage. Today she works as a fashion designer with her own clothing label. With no plans of slowing down!
Give a warm welcome to our latest model Valeria A. She’ll bring you a string of jewels from the port of Odesa.
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