What a journey this has been. I don't just mean to the other side of the world and back and to a totally different culture. I mean that for me and the crew this was the full experience – anticipation, getting there, then finding that everything was totally the opposite of what we'd expected and planned for. It was a classic case of huge obstacles to overcome, feeling we'd never succeed, unexpected rescue and then against all the odds it all worked out.
I hope you've enjoyed this roller-coaster ride as much as much as I have. Maybe it's even inspired you to visit the country yourself. You can try out the love hotels which are a perfect illustration of the Japanese approach to sex and sexuality. Very up-front and plenty of room for fantasy and role-playing. (See Day 4).
For a different kind of thrill there's the car drifting (Day 5) – like Grand Prix should be but isn't. I think the Japanese like their cars the way they like their women – hot and screaming.
Once we'd made the breakthrough into the local industry we uncovered some superb talent and I've spent a lot of time going over the footage to remind myself of the stories behind all these shoots. I certainly never expected to see Maria Ozawa in my lens and I'm particularly proud that she asked to work with us when she is in full time demand. Catch her on Day 9.
"Where next?" you ask. Well, I'm working on a couple of ideas now I've got my breath back and as soon as they take shape I'll let you know. Thanks for all your interest and your emails.
I'll bow out now for the time being.
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