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光线是日落粉红色。 我们在遥远的葡萄牙乡村某处荒凉的废墟中。摇摇欲坠的砖块和破碎门口的灰色灰尘构成了 Vika 的框架,这是一只捕获的小鹿,闪闪发亮,古铜色,像蜂蜜一样,她娇嫩的肉体充满活力,在逐渐变得默默无闻的背景下充满活力。 Vika 不仅仅是一部电影,它让我们得以一窥永恒。
The light is sunset pink.
We are at a desolate ruin somewhere far away in the Portuguese countryside. The crumbling bricks and grey dust of a broken doorway form the framework for Vika, a captured fawn shiny and bronzed like honey, her delicate flesh vibrant and alive against a backdrop slipping into obscurity.
More than just a film, Vika brings us a glimpse of the eternal.
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