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天气一热,热的就脱光了。没有人比 Vika 更性感。 这部绚丽的彩色电影是在明亮的阳光下拍摄的,维卡青铜色的身体跨坐在荧光绿草地上的黄色太阳椅上。如果您喜欢中午裸体晒黑的未婚若虫的景象,那么这就是电影中的天堂。 你几乎能闻到手指上 Vika 的防晒霜的味道。
When the weather gets hot, the hot get naked. And no one's hotter than Vika.
This splendid technicolor film is shot in full, bright sun, with Vika's bronze body straddled over a yellow sun chair in florescent green grass. If you like the vision of nubile nymphs tanning naked at mid-day, this is paradise on film for you.
You an almost smell Vika's suntan lotion on your fingers.
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