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杰出的西班牙模特 HERA 声称她的性取向驱动着她所做的一切。在我们的新自制电影中,她确实兑现了自己的诺言。 从她醒来的那一刻起,直到再次上床睡觉,她的注意力似乎完全集中在性释放上:从早上漫长而充满激情的独奏性爱,到热美甲,然后立即进行热气腾腾的色情按摩。那是在午餐时间之前! 原始、现实、未经雕琢,这是一位真正独特的女士平凡的一天的一瞥。让人忍不住想知道这支特种部队是从哪里来的……
Exceptional Spanish model HERA claims that her sexuality drives everything she does. In our new homemade movie she certainly lives up to her words.
From the moment she wakes up until it’s time to hit the bed again, her mind appears to be completely focused on sexual release: From a long and passionate solo sex session in the morning, to a hot manicure instantly followed by a steaming erotic massage. And that’s just before lunch time!
Raw, realistic and unpolished, here’s a glimpse of a normal day in the life of a truly unique lady. One cannot help wondering where that special force comes from...
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