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涉及爆炸性场面时,弗洛拉和迈克做主。这是他们如何准备的。 每把枪都需要保持良好的润滑。这样它始终处于最佳状态,并且可以在需要时依赖它。这就是 Flora 的用武之地。她擅长使用正确的油脂。她在家里带着长管武器。迈克将自己放在她的手中,以确保他得到他想要的治疗。 然后是他回敬的时候了。
Flora and Mike call the shots when it comes to explosive scenes. Here is how they get primed.
Every gun needs to be kept well-oiled. That way it is always in peak condition and it can be relied on when it is needed. This is where Flora comes in. She is expert at applying the right kind of oiling. She’s at home with long-barrelled weapons. Mike places himself in her hands so he is sure of getting the treatment he wants.
Then it’s time for him to return the compliment.
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