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将这部新电影称为“感觉不错的电影”真的并不过分。当然,它展示了三位伟大的艺术家——摄影师 Petter 以及模特 Mike 和 Ariel——密切合作探索裸体。一切顺利。 但在所有感性的镜头之下,还有更多的东西——我们称之为人性。这三个人如此合作,如此“在一起”,你会忍不住微笑。而且,当然,他们也在微笑,大笑,而且通常玩得很开心。 不过,最后,这是获得令人惊叹的裸体图像的方法。精心设计的姿势、微妙的手势、每位艺术家为达到完美目标所做的细微调整。通过电影的力量,您可以和他们一起见证他们创造奇迹的过程。人类啊!
It’s really not going too far to call this new movie a “feel good film.” Sure, it presents three great artists – Petter, the photographer, and Mike and Ariel, the models – working closely together to explore the nude form. And that goes great.
But beneath all the sensual shots, there’s something more – let’s call it humanity. These three engage in something so collaborative, so “together” that you can’t help but smile. And, of course, they’re smiling too, and laughing, and just generally having a good time.
In the end, though, this is a how-to on achieving amazing nude images. The choreographed poses, the subtle gestures, the small adjustments that each artist makes to hit the perfect mark. Through the power of film, you get to be there with them as they make amazing things happen. O the humanity!
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