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为了保持体形,锻炼是 Sali 和 Quin 日常生活的重要组成部分,他们喜欢利用肾上腺素和热量来额外推动狂喜: “在这段视频中,萨利在跑步回来后采取了一些额外的动作,这让我感到很惊讶。为了制作我们的第一部真正的 POV 电影,我真的很高兴能为我们的运动摄像机试用新的头带。” 在奎因本人的眼中,享受锻炼后的狂野热辣吧!
To keep in shape, workouts are a big part of Sali and Quin’s daily routines and they love to use the adrenaline and the heat for an extra push of ecstasy:
“IN THIS VIDEO I surprised Sali with some additional action after she came back from her run. I was really excited to try out the new head belt for our action cam, in order to create our first real POV movie.”
Enjoy a wild and hot after workout, through the eyes of Quin himself!
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