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天堂24小时。 她醒来,伸展着赤裸的身体。她睁开眼睛,看到了你。她笑了。那是因为在今天剩下的时间里只有你和维多利亚。 你会在浴室里分享她最亲密的时刻。当她裸体晒日光浴和打裸照网球时,和她一起出去玩。事实上,她会带你踏上人生的旅程。 一旦你开始幻想,你将永远不想回到现实。
24 Hours in Heaven.
She wakes up and stretches her naked body. Her eyes open and she sees you. She smiles. That’s because for the rest of the day it’s just you and Victoria.
You’ll share her most intimate moments in the bathroom. Hang out with her as she sunbathes naked and play topless tennis. In fact, she’s gonna take you on the ride of your life.
Once you start this fantasy, you’ll never want to go back to reality.
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