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1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!

Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
私たちはスヴァラヴァの霧深い山々でダイアナと一緒に一日を始めます。冬はようやく終わりを迎えましたが、外はまだ寒く、最初の雨が降り始めました。ダイアナはのんびりとベッドに横になり、優雅なストレッチ ルーチンを指導します。
We start our day with Diana in the misty mountains in Svalava. Winter is just clearing, but it’s still cold outside with the first rains just starting. Lazily, Diana cozies up in bed and then takes ur through her graceful stretching routine.
A DELICIOUS and meticulously prepared breakfast with a splendid view is followed by a quick outfit selection and we follow Diana outside to visit a local castle, one of the very few Austrian palaces left in the Carpathians.
As the day draws to a close, Diana suggests that we go back home to enjoy some warmth. We are treated to a steamy hot tub in a classic Hutsul mountain fashion. Nice and toasty, Diana freshens up in the shower after a long day, and we decide to call it a night.