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1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
アンナは朝のヨガのルーティンからスタートし、軽く食事をした後、すぐにパフォーマンス アートに取り掛かります。彼女は、素晴らしいサーカスの腕前を詳細かつ忘れられない形で披露します。その後、アンナは真昼の太陽から離れて、丘陵地帯を気持ちよく散歩します。
We meet Anna Del Arte in the mountains of Ukraine, near Iltsy, and not far from Romania. Spring is in full bloom and the last snow on the mountains is slowly melting, leaving the air cool and the sun hot.
ANNA STARTS with a morning yoga routine, and after a quick bite she goes straight into her performance arts. She gives us a detailed and unforgettable display of her amazing circus prowess. Anna then takes a break from the midday sun to go for a pleasant walk in the hills.
Upon returning in the evening, we jump into a hot tub, where we greet the spectacular sunset. As the sun goes down, Anna turns up the heat even further with a fiery evening show that will leave viewers sweating.