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蒂安娜是一个真正的农村姑娘。她喜欢在户外度过大部分时间,她会和她的狗一起远足,呼吸生命的馈赠。 Tiana 安静而善于观察,最近获得了教育学学位,并希望将她的研究扩展到心理学和人类行为。她还是一位狂热的摄影师,对乌克兰文化和历史情有独钟。 即使在南部持续不断的恐怖之中,乌克兰仍然可以在该国提供和平地区。这就是 Tiana 最快乐的地方。
Tiana is a true girl of the countryside. She likes to spend most of her time out in the open and together with her dog she’ll go for long hikes and just breathe the gift of life.
QUIET AND OBSERVANT, Tiana has recently earned herself a degree in pedagogy and wants to extend her studies to psychology and human behaviour. She’s also an avid photographer with a soft spot for Ukrainian culture and history.
Even amidst the ongoing horrors in the south, Ukraine can still provide peaceful areas out in the country. And that’s where Tiana is at her happiest.
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