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Vaginal Massage

January 25, 2011
36 评论
Our sweet girl-next-door enjoys the talented touch of another woman’s hands, and we get to watch.



She has already shown us she is not shy, despite her almost innocent smile.The masseuse focuses on the most tender and intimate part of Stasha’s body, and her reactions are impossible to miss. Her parted lips, her quick breathing, all tell their own story...

As her legs begin to shake and she grips the edges of the table, you can see what the warm oil and teasing fingers do to her.

  • 运行: 28:31 分钟
  • 格式:
    • 全高清 1080p (354 MB)
    • 高清 720p (252 MB)
    • SD 480p (163 MB)



lovely massage
Very, very nice Vagina!
Such a very, very nice Vagina!
Very sensual lady's. Thank You
Vagainal Massage
As a male I very much enjoyed watching the clit being stimulated. Well done.
Sexual Massages
I greatly admire these beautiful young women who allow themselves to be publicly finger-fucked to orgasm. I also admire the great skill, patience and stamina of the masseuses -- most of whom, from the glimpses we get of them, are as beautiful as the recipients of their attentions -- who work on them.
I think you are a woman, so I am replying as a male. Chances are you know what it feels like to be finger fucked, it may hurt after awhile, I really do not know. I am downloading the video, so I have not seen it yet. I hope to enjoy.
unclothe the masseuse
Do you think we can please have the masseuse get naked also.Jeez, she has devastating boobs.
Could have been perfect!
I so badly wanted to see her climax! I loved seeing her get so excited she couldn't keep her body still. I imagine her involuntarily clutching the masseuse as she finally orgasms! THAT would have been the perfect video! I can't help but feel I was a little cheated at the end.
这不是科学课。这是关于猫!嘿,我刚刚找到了完美的标题。 “阴部按摩”。你不能就那个争论。
This is not a science class. It's about pussy! Hey, I just found the perfect title. "Pussy Massage". You can't argue on that one.
这些视频虽然有趣且温暖,但根据接受按摩的模特而定,似乎有些机械化。也许正如之前的评论所暗示的那样,这可能是视频剪辑的跳跃性。对建筑兴奋的渴望很快变成了解剖学研究,然后又变回来了。此外,在我所有的个人经历中,我认为我从未见过对性兴奋的如此温和的反应。虽然 Dominika 之类的反应似乎是视频唤醒的终极方式,但我发现当兴奋的人是自愿参与者时,这种类型的反应是相当正常的。我不知道我曾经见过一群女人如此安静地,有时几乎没有任何动作和兴趣,接近通常被描述为多重性高潮或激情爆发的状态。
While interesting and warm these videos, depending upon the model receiving the massage, seem somewhat mechanical. Perhaps as previous comments allude, it may be the jumpiness of the video cuts. A longing look at building excitement changes quickly to an anatomical study and then back. Also, in all my personal experience I dont think I have ever witnessed such subdued reaction to sexual excitement. While Dominika like responses may seem the ultimate in video arousal, I find that type reaction to be fairly normal when the person being excited is a willing participant. I dont know that I have ever seen a grouping of women that so quietly, at times virtually without movement and interest, approach what is often described as multiple orgasms or explosions of passion.
就是这样。 :)
It is, what it is. :)
Ktag,我是一个像这些视频中的女性一样喜欢被按摩和操纵的年轻女性,我可以证明很多女性在达到性高潮时不会自然地呻吟、喘息或扭动。我可以连续有 5 次令人难以置信的全身性高潮,我不会发出太多声音或动作,我只是享受这一刻。我的呼吸和面部表情更能说明我的感受。如果除了我的伴侣之外还有其他人在看,我当然无法成为完整的自己。话虽这么说,Stasha(该视频中的模特)最近表示,她并没有通过这种方式被摩擦而体验到性高潮(寻找以她为特色的原始性高潮视频),所以她可能真的没有在此视频中体验性高潮。
Ktag, I am a young woman who enjoys being massaged and manipulated like the women featured in these videos, and I can attest to the fact that many women do not naturally moan, pant or writhe around when having an orgasm. I can have 5 incredible full-body orgasms in a row and I don't make much of a sound or movement, I just enjoy the moment. My breathing and facial expression are more of an indication of how I'm feeling. I certainly would not be able to be my complete self if anyone else was watching other than my partner. That being said, Stasha (the model in this video) said recently that she doesn't experience orgasm by being rubbed in this way (look for the original orgasms video featuring her), so it may be true for her that she didn't experience orgasm in this video.
这个网站上的许多模特都是拥有美丽身材的美女。但他们是模特,不是演员。尽管建模是一种表演形式,但它是一种非常具体的形式。在我看来,那些按摩片最“令人满意”(对某些人而言)的模特是那些在电影部分以公开的性方式轻松地对着摄像机表演的模特,而不是简单地看起来喜怒无常的照片集。为相机脱掉衣服是一回事;这是另一回事 - 让我们面对现实 - 在拍摄时被陌生人手淫。这不是建模。而且不应该是演戏。这是完全不同的东西。有些人很舒服,可以“表演”;有些不是。但我毫不怀疑我在这些电影中看到过真正的高潮。部分是因为它们没有伴随着我可以相信的色情片的陈词滥调反应。但即使我没有——那又怎样?这里有一些亲密而真实的东西。如果女人在这种情况下真的不会那么冷漠,那么,她们是在表现冷漠吗?他们退缩了吗?也许是这样。因为那里有摄像头。因为他们知道我们在看。这不是正常人遇到这种情况的反应吗?这不是更“真实”吗?我非常感谢这些模型准备让我们看到的东西。按摩很漂亮。要求他们更多似乎无礼。但更重要的是,这些女性(与这些电影一样多)的评判标准对我来说似乎是错误的。抱歉胡扯。我会再说一遍:按摩很漂亮。
Many of the models on this site are beautiful women with beautiful bodies. But they are models, not actors. And though modelling is a form of acting, it is a very specific form. It seems to me that the models whose massage films are the most "satisfactory" (to some) are those who are at ease performing in an openly sexual way for the video camera in the Films section, rather than simply looking moody for photo sets. It is one thing to take your clothes off for the camera; it is quite another to - let's face it - be masturbated by a stranger whilst being filmed. This isn't modelling. And it shouldn't be acting. This is something quite different. Some are comfortable enough to "perform"; some are not. But I have no doubt that I've seen real orgasms in these films. And it's partly because they're not accompanied by the clichéd reactions of porn that I can believe that. But even if I haven't - so what? There's something intimate and real here. If women wouldn't really be so impassive in this situation then, what, are they acting impassive? Are they holding back? Maybe so. Because there's a camera there. Because they know we're watching. Isn't that how any normal person would react in this situation? Isn't that more "real"? I for one am incredibly grateful for what these models are prepared to let us see. The massages are beautiful. To demand more of them seems churlish. But more than that, the criteria by which these women (as much as these films) are being judged seem plain wrong to me. Sorry for waffling. I'll say just this again: the massages are beautiful.
Wrong title!
这是阴蒂按摩。只是针对那些在这种情况下混淆解剖学的人。阴道是子宫的入口和通道。所以 Longfinger 女士必须将她油腻的 fumbletools 放入 Miss. Libidolow 内,使其成为阴道按摩!
This is a clitoral massage. Just to those who mixed up anatomy in this case. The vagina is the entrance and tunnel to the uterus. So Lady Longfinger would have to put her oily fumbletools inside Miss. Libidolow to make it a vaginal massage!
At last someone that knows a womans anatomy. Strange that so many people is so wrong with such important anatomy!!
Just do what you want to do, Petter. And show whatever you and your models are happy to show. My imagination might need a little prodding but it's fully functional and shows me stuff your videos never could and never should.
yes, the masseuse has beautiful hands and body, its adds excitement!
full experience is not same as loud or porn please people
Full sexuality is the integration of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Wearing earphones, eyes closed the whole time, no connection between massage person and the person being touched makes it more like being a voyeur or porn like for me and my friends at least. The idea of beautiful models that we get to see nude and now in orgasms, is a bit classist, sexist, etc. Humanize this by having them connected to someone, themselves, and the person they are with please. This is not so much to ask. Or, perhaps, it is the way the models cope with this situation, to not have this be meaningful, connected, etc. If they were really happy doing this it would be more playful, joyful, etc. Some of the films with two women appear much more this way and we find them much more fun and sexual.
Agree With Sandy
Absolutely agree with Sandy, below, and could not have said it better myself.
我完全同意。做 dominika 的小妞是最好的!
i completely agree. the chick who does dominika is the best!
sandy's comment
i agree with sandy. if you are going to show all that caressing, what is wrong with seeing the end result. that's nature. that's what is supposed to happen, after so much rebbing and teasing. as for the women, they are fabulous, but there again i agree that you cut things off too soon. it is highly erotic to see a women in the grip of a true orgasm. i happen to have a screamer, and i wouldn't trade her for anyone else in the world.
Sandy, I agree with your comments and you are a lucky man !!
Love the new massage videos and they got off to a great start. I think the close up detail is getting less and I must have blinked and missed the scene shown in the still. Please can we see more video with the lips parted as in the still and the massage of her erect clitoris. I don't know about everyone else but you seem to cut the scene just as it looks like it is getting interesting. Too much choping and changing of scene especially when capturing the expression on the face. I would like some of the models massaged by the masseuse who massaged Dominika to her explosive orgasm, now that would be something if the model was Thea. Look forward to the updates and love the theme, I would have joined the site just for these superb videos. Just would like them a little more explicit sometimes with the legs fully parted. Please please some more detail and full focus on the orgasm. Although I am not into men I also think you should show the ejaculation from the masseuse's labours. Keep up the good work and groundbreaking themes. SANDY
100% 同意你桑迪
100% agree with you SANDY
潮汐,如果你想知道,这些视频是感官或密宗按摩,特别是这个在西班牙密宗寺庙做的,如果你想要响亮的性高潮,moanin 和 grinden,看色情片。我喜欢按摩,并通过密宗体验过。按摩师很有才华。这些视频非常出色,除了 dailymotion 上的日式按摩外,他们拍摄的方式在网上没有任何类似的东西。模特们的反应很自然,按摩非常放松和舒缓,与性相比,他们似乎很享受,我会的。
tide, in case your wondering, the videos are sensual or tantric massage especially this one done in the tantra temple in spain, if your want loud orgasms, moanin and grinden ,watch a porno. I love the massages and have experienced them by tantricas. The masseuses are very talented. the videos are outstanding, there is not anything like it on the net shot in the way they shot with an exception of the japanese massages on dailymotion. The models are reacting natually, the massages are very relaxing and soothing vs sexual, they seem to enjoy it, i would.
Well said!
Only way this could be better is if the masseuse was nude as well. I've seen her from the neck down on several of these and she appears to have a beautiful body herself.
fuller experience
These are minimal experiences. My women friends share with me that these women show very little of the full rainbow of sensuality, sexual expression, and full involvement. The type and nature of stimulation, positions, and lack of involvement of the person touching them, has much room for improvement. Sometimes having the person touching them be in a relationship with them and becoming involved in mutual exploration is another avenue of authentic portrayal.
i agree. i wish these women would not act like human statues. i know in the japanese massage the girls scream and moan as if they are in pain, but a little middle ground would be nice. seems like the girls here hold back too much
超级热!但是,最后 2 分钟发生了什么?哈哈
super hot! But, wha happened in the last 2 minutes?lol
Love Those Lips
When she tries to catch her breath and her mouth opens, you can almost tell she’s trying not to react but can’t help it. You can especially see this in the long shots when her legs open up. You know she’s doing that without thinking about it!
The Spa
我不知道为什么每个人都认为 Stasha 就是一个普通的邻家女孩。隔壁妹子90多斤!
I don’t know why everyone thinks Stasha is so much the average girl next door. The girl next door to me is over 90kg!
我明白你的意思——我隔壁的那个女孩大约 75 岁!
I know what you mean - and the girl next door to me is about 75 years old!
I love the way the other woman uses the oil, and builds up to massaging her vagina. It is SOOOOO incredibly arousing!
Love These
按摩片永远不会过时。观看不同的 Hegre 模特的反应真是令人兴奋……这都是真实的生活和真实的高潮,这是最性感的事情。
The massage films never get old. It’s a thrill to watch how different Hegre-models react...it’s all real-life and real orgasms, and that is the sexiest thing to see.
Stasha Is So Lovable
In the one film where she shows us how she masturbates she captured my heart. I love seeing such a charming girl open herself up so intimately.