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就像一个精雕细琢的人物或一个建筑奇迹,苏珊娜接收并折射她周围的光线,将精致的角度和形状发回,供相机拍摄。 在她多变、性感的身材中,有一种精灵般的、几乎是超自然的感觉,就好像她在一个无所不能、无所不能、无所不能的木偶师的琴弦上保持着微妙的平衡。但在这一切的核心,她是完美无暇的肉体,摆着枕头的姿势,模仿感官行为来取悦我们的视觉享受。 哦,可爱的苏珊娜!
Like a finely sculpted figure or an architectural wonder, Suzanna receives and refracts the light around her, sending back exquisite angle and shapes to be consumed by the camera.
There is something sylph-like, almost supernatural, about her shifting, sexy form, as if she were delicately balanced on the strings of an all-powerful, and all-enchanted, puppeteer. But at the heart of it all, she is immaculate flesh, posing with her pillow, emulating sensuous acts for our ocular delight.
O sweet Suzanna!
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