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Strisha 跳桑巴舞,有着拉丁裔吉普赛人撩人的异域风情。 但是,恰恰相反。 Strisha 来自乌克兰的一个小村庄,当她第一次为电影摄影机摆出裸体姿势时,少女的活力和激情爆发了。她只有 18 岁,在基辅的大学学习语言,如果她的语言和她的身材一样流畅,用不了多久就会流利。 看看在 Strisha Teen Queen 中 Strisha 令人愉快的处女作中,Strisha 有多少种坐在椅子上的方式。
Strisha dances samba and has the sultry exotic looks of a latino gypsy.
But, au contraire. Strisha is from a small village in the Ukraine, an explosion of teenage energy and passion as she poses nude for the movie camera for the first time. Just 18, she studies languages at the university in Kyiv and if her words are as fluid as her figure, it won't be long before she's fluent.
Just see how many ways Strisha can sit on a chair in her delightful début in Strisha Teen Queen.
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