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在 HEGRE 的第 1034 部电影中,我们穿越大西洋,回到加勒比海的异域荒野,感受红宝石不可抗拒的魅力。 鲁比出生于多米尼加共和国,已成为祖国新一代年轻女性的榜样。在这部电影中,您将遇到一位独立、坚强、性感的女性,她已经做好了迎接世界的准备。在狂野而自由的土地上。这真是太棒了! 许多世纪前,海盗们曾在这里藏匿被盗的黄金和珠宝。我们发现了其中最闪亮的红宝石。欢迎来到天堂中缓慢而感性的漫步。
For HEGRE’s 1034th movie we travel across the Atlantic and return to the exotic wilderness of the Caribbean and the irresistible charm of Ruby.
BORN IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, Ruby has become a role model for the new breed of young women in her homeland. In this film you’ll meet an independent, strong and sexy woman ready for the world. In the land of the wild and free. And it’s just fabulous!
Here’s where the pirates used to hide their stolen gold and jewels many centuries ago. And we found the most sparkling Ruby of them all. Welcome to a slow, sensual walk in paradise.
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