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奥利维 (Olivie) 坚信大脑与美貌一样性感。甜美的歌声简直让人爱不释手。 在难得的坦率时刻,奥利维 (Olivie) 与佩特·赫格雷 (Petter Hegre) 坐下来,将她的想法倾诉在电影上。当然,在我们的版本中,她完全裸体,这意味着我们两全其美。学习并聆听这位年轻美女的想法、秘密,甚至是一两首 Nirvana 曲调——您可能只会学到一两件事。这是最性感和色情的调查报告。 如果您曾经对一个美丽的黑格里女孩的内心想法感到好奇,那么这部电影就是为您准备的!
Olivie is a firm believer that brains are just as sexy as beauty; and a sweet singing voice is simply to die for.
In a rare moment of candor, Olivie sits down with Petter Hegre and lets her thoughts pour out on film. Of course in our version she does it all in the nude meaning we get the best of both worlds. Learn and listen to the thoughts, secrets, and even a Nirvana tune or two from this young beauty – you might just learn a thing or two. This is investigative reporting at its most sensual and erotic.
If you’ve ever been curious about the inner thoughts of a gorgeous Hegre girl then this is the film for you!
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