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你能直视梦露而不眼花缭乱吗?尝试一下,但要小心。她闪闪发光。 长长的金发在灯光下闪闪发亮,看起来像太阳一样灿烂。从一开始,她就以她明亮的美貌吸引了人们的注意。兴奋随着音乐的持续节奏而增强,就像兴奋的心跳一样。当她弯下腰在窗台上或蹲下准备跳起来时,她是光荣的。 这是一颗白天闪耀的星星。凝视着她。
Can you look straight at Monroe without being dazzled? Try it but take care. She is scintillating.
Her long blonde hair shimmers in the light and looks as brilliant as the sun. Right from the start she captures attention with her luminous beauty. The exhilaration builds with the insistent rhythm of the music which is like an excited heart beat beating. When she bends over the window ledge or crouches ready to spring she is glorious.
This is a star that shines by day. Gaze at her.
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