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白如幽灵,精致如她的名字,Lily,我们苍白的俄罗斯模特,有一种幽灵般的本质。她显然是一个几乎超凡脱俗的年轻女子。 但在另一种意义上,她非常属于这个世界。她喜欢温暖的沐浴水洒在她皮肤上的感觉,而且她深受镜头在她身上扫过的影响。 来和幽灵般的莉莉一起洗澡吧。您离开时会感觉更有活力。
White as a ghost and delicate as her namesake, Lily, our pale Russian model, has a ghostly essence. She is clearly an almost other-worldly young woman.
But in another sense, she is very much of this world. She loves the feeling of the warm bathwater on her skin, and she’s deeply affected by the camera working its way over her body.
Come take a bath with ghostly Lily. You’ll leave feeling even more alive.
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