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只需添加 Kiki 即可获得苏打水。她在这里很适合她。 她在舒缓的水中放松。它消除了一切干扰。她可以自由地思考即将到来的快乐。当她回忆起过去的快乐时,她的脸上浮现出梦幻般的微笑。顿时一股强大的涌动,让她倒吸一口冷气。 水流像熟练情人的手一样抚过她的腿根。小涟漪在它们周围和它们之间漫游。很快,她的内心也泛起了涟漪。
Just add Kiki and you have sparkling water. She’s in her element here.
She relaxes in the soothing water. It dissolves away every distraction. She is free to muse on pleasures to come. A dreamy smile plays across her face as she remembers past delights. Suddenly there is a powerful surge that makes her gasp.
Like the hand of a skilful lover the water strokes across the tops of her legs. Little ripples roam around and between them. Soon there are ripples stirring within her too.
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