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伟大的情色摄影是才华、精力和奉献精神的产物。但更重要的是,它是关于两个(或更多)人完全把自己交给对方。这是关于分享和信任。 这就是 Petter、Karina 和公司在这里所做的。看着他们创造我们如此喜爱的图像真的很鼓舞人心。每次 Petter 要求 Karina 打开她的双腿,或移动她的下巴,或将她的屁股稍微抬高,你都能感觉到它正在发生。完美女孩的完美镜头。 但这部电影不仅仅是一堂摄影课。这是一个高度色情的冒险。 Petter 和他的模特建立了一种关系,这种关系在每张照片中都有体现。你可以在女孩身上看到它。随着他每次按下快门,它们都会放松,变得更加美丽。 当他让他们看最近的照片时,看到他们脸上的笑容,嗯,这是无价的。这部电影让您如此亲近,您可以想象自己伸出手去触摸卡丽娜。你会建议什么姿势?
Great erotic photography is the product of talent, energy, and dedication. But even more than that, it’s about two (or more) people giving themselves to each other totally. It’s about sharing and trusting.
That’s what Petter, Karina, and company do here. Watching them create the images we love so much is truly inspiring. Every time Petter asks Karina to open her legs, or move her chin, or perk her ass up slightly higher, you can feel it happening. The perfect shot of the perfect girl.
But this film isn’t just a photographic lesson. It’s a highly erotic adventure. Petter and his models forge a relationship that shows in every photo. And you can see it in the girls. They loosen up, grow more beautiful with each click of his shutter.
And to see the smile on their faces when he lets them look at a recent shot, well, it’s priceless. This film gets you so close you can imagine reaching out and touching Karina yourself. What poses would you suggest?
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