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海伦娜·卡雷尔 (Helena Karel) 几乎将她所做的一切都变成了一种纯粹的性感行为。 在漫长的一天拍摄结束后跳进淋浴间,Petter Hegre 将相机对准 Helena,确保她身体的每一寸都干净并恢复活力。直视镜头很明显谁在控制,而这正是 Helena 喜欢的方式。 在一部不容错过的电影中,见证海伦娜 (Helena) 充满激情,就像水从她赤裸的皮肤上滴落一样!
Helena Karel turns just about everything she does into an act of pure sensuality.
Jumping into the shower at the end of a long day shooting, Petter Hegre trained his camera on Helena as she made sure every inch of her body was clean and rejuvenated. Staring straight back at the camera it becomes obvious who is in control, and that is just the way Helena likes it.
Witness Helena soaked with passion like the water literally dripping from her naked skin in a film that is not to be missed!
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