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情色你永远不会忘记。 这部电影带你踏上旅程;从我们向您展示过的最性感的时刻之一,到最私人的时刻之一。真人和静态摄影的融合,每一秒都是对感官的享受。 当心她骑在车顶上的场景,那是非常性感和令人难忘的情色。 后来,当她被蒙上眼睛独自躺在床上时,没有比这更亲密的了。
Erotica you’ll never forget.
This movie takes you on a journey; from one of the sexiest moments we’ve ever shown you, to one of the most personal. A blend of live-action and still photography, every single second is a treat for your senses.
Look out for the scene when she’s riding atop the car, it’s seriously sexy and unforgettable erotica.
And later, when she’s blindfolded in bed alone, nothing is more intimate.
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