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这是安娜最放松的时候。裸体在水边。她在自己的环境中非常自在。就好像她拥有了整个世界。 然而,她在一个任何人都可以经过的公共海滩上。如果这是他们的幸运日。全场屏住呼吸,佩服她。海水冲刷着她娇小的屁股,仿佛在亲吻她。她将自己的身体献给太阳,让她的性感接管一切。 在清晨的阳光下,她给胸部和腿上油。然后她蜷缩起来沐浴在温暖中。这是相机等待捕捉那些特别的特写镜头的机会。
Here is Anna at her most relaxed. Nude at the water’s edge. She is so completely at ease in her setting. It’s as though she has the whole world to herself.
Yet she is on a public beach where anyone may pass by. If it is their lucky day. The whole scene holds its breath to admire her. The sea washes over her petite ass as though kissing her. She offers up her body to the sun and lets her sensuality take over.
In the early morning light she oils her breasts and legs. Then she curls up to bask in the warmth. This is the chance the camera has waited for to catch those extra-special close-ups.
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