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Alexandra 和 Ombeline 高潮奥运会

Alexandra And Ombeline Orgasm Olympics

August 10, 2021
64 评论
The Ultimate Orgasm Challenge

让自己舒服一点,为今年备受期待的高潮决赛做好准备。最受欢迎的模特 Alexandra 和 Ombeline 是最后两名参赛选手。

我们还有 6 项挑战和数百种高潮等您探索:
伊万杰琳娜 (Evangelina) 高潮挑战——一项记录实验。
三叶草疯狂高潮挑战- 我们有一位新的高潮冠军!
Serena L 多重高潮挑战——女孩多久能达到顶峰?
Anna L——1 小时性高潮挑战——终极性高潮试验。
Hera 1h Cum Challenge - 一小时不间断的高潮。
任何 Moloko 1 小时高潮挑战- 高潮的节奏。

Make yourself comfortable and get ready for this year’s highly anticipated orgasm finals. With favourite models Alexandra and Ombeline as the last two standing competitors.

The rules are fairly simple: The two finalists’ goal is to achieve as many orgasms as possible within a one-hour time span. The participants are allowed to use any means available to reach climax...

Will both the opponents make it through until the very end? Will we see new olympic records? Watch the film and experience the world’s ultimate orgasm challenge NOW!

DISCLAIMER: This movie is not for the faint of heart!

Don't miss our other films in these series!
We have 6 more Challenges and hundreds more Orgasms waiting for you to explore:
Evangelina Orgasm Challenge - An Experiment For The Record.
Clover Crazy Climax Challenge - We Have a New Climax Champion!
Serena L Multiple Orgasms Challenge - How Often Can a Girl Reach the Top?
Anna L - 1 Hour Orgasm Challenge - The Ultimate Orgasmic Trial.
Hera 1h Cum Challenge - One Hour of non-stop orgasms.
Any Moloko 1 Hour Orgasm Challenge - The rhythm of the orgasm.

  • 运行: 40:32 分钟
  • 格式:
    • 4K 超高清 2160p (2 GB)
    • 全高清 1080p (1 GB)
    • 高清 720p (445 MB)



fabulous pairing
Amazing, beautiful!
任何评论月经在艺术中没有地位的人都需要重新评估自己的身份。 几分钟前我读到,这个网站是 Petter 建立的,目的是与我们分享他的作品、他的艺术风格;他是创造者,欣赏他的作品是我们来到这里的原因。 真的;并非艺术家创作的所有作品都会引起所有粉丝的共鸣,但这一件作品突破了许多人不喜欢的界限,他们反对创作者。 创造者不断进化,他们所有人……就像自然界一样;如果没有任何进化,它就会停滞并死亡。 无论如何,我们都可以自由地不喜欢某个工作的例子……但是为了突破界限而指责创造是可笑的。
Anyone commenting that menstruation has no place in art needs to re-evaluate their membership. I read a few minutes ago that this site was set up by Petter to share his work, his art style with us; he's the creator & appreciating his work is why we're here. True; not all works that an artist creates will resonate with all their fans, but this one work pushes a boundary that many dislike & they rail against the creator. Creators evolve, ALL of them... just as the natural world does; if nothing evolved, it would stagnate & die. By all means, we are all free to dislike an example of work... but to rail on the create for pushing a boundary is ludicrous.
Alexandra 和 Ombeline 非常漂亮,我很钦佩他们的勇气和性感。我加入 Hegre 是为了享受他们的全部表演带来的甜蜜乐趣。当你完全赤裸地展现自己真正的原始性存在时,我可以感受到性和精神解放和赋权的令人兴奋的乐趣,完全放弃任何羞耻感。尽管这不是性行为,但我确实很喜欢在艺术课上扮演裸体模特。我希望自己能和 Alexandra 和 Ombeline 一起表演。
Alexandra and Ombeline are absoluteley gorgeous and I do admire their courage and sensuality. I joined Hegre to have the sweet pleasure to enjoy their full performance. I can relate to the exciting pleasure of sexual and spiritual liberation and empowerment when you present yourself fully naked as the raw sexual being you really are, completely abandoning any feeling of shame. Even though it wasn't sexual, I did enjoy posing as a nude model in art lessons a lot. I wish I could perform with Alexandra and Ombeline myself.
Masterpiece - love that we can see the shaking in the legs after orgasm
我必须同意 Scoots 的观点。此外,你拒绝了观众看到他们美丽的(我想)面孔的喜悦,因为他们有很多高潮。观看这类视频的部分乐趣在于观看模特的脸,以及观看她们在镜子上扭动和肌肉收缩。您是听取观众的意见还是只是为了自己的乐趣拍摄这些内容?
I have to agree with Scoots. Additionally you denied your viewers the joy of seeing their beautiful (I presume) faces as the had many orgasms. Part of the joy of watching this type of video is watching the model's face(s) as well as watching their writhing on a mirror and their muscle contractions. Do you listen to your viewers or do you film these for just your own pleasure?
One more post by a 'whole-model' lover who does not appreciate faceless and headless women, nude or not. This reminds me of the old/early days of porn where men wore black socks and masks or disguises, as did some of the women. We've moved on. All woman have a face which is a very important aspect of her being, her soul. Let's consider in the future letting the headless models do something else for a living where they don't have to worry about "outing" themselves.
我喜欢这个,我的妻子也喜欢。像许多其他评论一样,很明显月经来得有点意外(虽然起初我们认为这是对身体造成影响的性高潮矫枉过正)但我同意开启辩论是一件好事我对一些评论充满仇恨和缺乏尊重这一事实感到惊讶。对于付费访问以其化妆品而闻名的网站的观众来说,这是令人失望的。 但对我们来说更重要的是问题:那个枪/吹风机看起来像振动器的名字是什么???这看起来太棒了,我们从未见过这样的东西!请带我们脱离苦海!
I love this one and so does my wife. Like many other comments, it is clear that the menstruation certainly comes as a little bit of a surprise (though at first we thought it had been the orgasm overkill that had had physical consequences) but I would agree that opening the debate is a good thing and I am surprised by the fact that some comments are so full of hatred and lack of respect. That is disappointing from an audience that pays to access a site that is known for its cosmetics. But more importantly to us is the question : what is the name of that gun/hair dryer looking vibrator??? That looks absolutely amazing and we have never seen anything like that! Please take us out of our misery!
有了这个视频,我手淫了 2 次.........
with this video,,,, i jerked off 2 times.........
I think if people have problem with seeing menstruation then don't watch this video, there a hundreds of others without that. As long as the model was okay with showing herself while having that then there is no problem. I personally am not grossed out by it, I've had sex with women on their period before, definitely will not eat them while having it though haha!
I agree, seeing her masturbate while menstruating was amazing. Period sex feels very good!
Toys is not goood normal masturbation is goood.
ha philippp,对数百万喜欢使用振动器快速修复的女性说。在我看来,探索其他达到高潮的方式并没有错,你凭什么说什么是正常的?感谢您的反馈,ph
ha philippp, say that to the millions of woman that enjoy a quick fix using a vibrator. imo there is nothing wrong with exploring alternative ways to climax, and who are you to say what is normal ? thanks for your feedback, ph
Petter,你对负面反馈非常不屑一顾。不是所有的观点都有效吗?不要太看重你的工作,以至于你无法应对批评。就我个人而言,我很喜欢这段视频,并且同意你对这部电影和模特的所有观点。自然的方面是我一直喜欢你的作品的原因。然而,最终,你在这里展示的是艺术,是你的观众为之付费的产品。因此,您或许不应该对客户的意见如此轻视,无论他们向您提出的意见多么简单。 把所有“我喜欢这个”、“我不喜欢那个”、“我想看到更多……”作为暗示,说明你的作品如何在你的粉丝中大受欢迎,并从那里继续前进。不要拒绝反馈。至少您的客户花时间发表评论,让您知道他们的想法。不管怎样,人们总是更倾向于对负面经历做出反应,而不是对正面经历做出反应。 干杯并保持良好的工作。
Petter, you're very dismissive of negative feedback. Aren't all points of view valid? Don't be so precious about your work that you can't handle critique. Personally I enjoyed the video and agree with all your points about the film and the models. The natural aspect is why I have always liked your work. However, in the end, what you present here is art and a product that your viewers pay for. As such you should perhaps not be quite so dismissive of your customers' views, however simplistically they may be put to you. Take all the "I liked this", "I did not like that", "and I would like to see more of..." as hints about how your work hit home among your fans and move on from there. Don't dismiss feedback. At least your customers took the time to leave a comment and let you know what they thought. Anyway, people are always more inclined to respond to negative experiences than positive ones. Cheers and keep up the good work.
6 1
您好 helter,感谢您的反馈。我喜欢好的对话。我特别喜欢有人能启发我或让我以新的眼光看待事物。 20 年来,我每天都在倾诉我的个人私密内容。我知道我把自己放在了聚光灯下批评和谴责,但请理解我们不是酒店,我们的目标不是一直取悦所有人。 hegre 是基于我分享我的档案和我的愿景而创立的,这就是我们今天的成就。我首先是一个艺术家,其次是一个商人。我不为我的订户拍摄。我拍摄我的愿景并与我的订阅者分享。那里有很大的不同,如果没有它,我就没有精力和热情投入必要的工作来让这列火车继续前进。如果我只是因为害怕我的追随者会说什么而不敢挑战极限并探索性耻辱,我会成为什么样的艺术家?我真的很感谢我们众多忠实会员的支持,但归根结底,我相信你们都希望偶尔受到挑战和惊喜。谢谢。酸碱度
hi helter, appreciate your feedback. I love a good dialog. and I particularly enjoy when someone can enlighten me or make me see something with new eyes. I have been pouring my heart out with my personal and intimate content on a daily basis for 20 years now. I know I put myself in the spotlight for critique and condemnation, but please understand that we are not a hotel and that our goal here is not to please everyone all the time. hegre was founded based on me sharing my archives and my visions, and this is what has made us what we are today. I'm first an artist and secondly a businessman. I do not shoot for my subscribers. I shoot my visions and share with my subscribers. there is a big difference there, and without it I would not have had the stamina and enthusiasm to put in the work necessary to keep this train going. and what artist would I be if I never dared to push the envelope and explore sexual stigmas just because I was afraid of what my followers would say ? I really appreciate the support from our many loyal members, but at the end of the day I believe you all want to be challenged and surprised once in a while. thanks. ph
我既有批评也有鼓励 我真的很喜欢两个女人喷水的场景 还有女周期女郎的时期。 这让我很恼火。 并在镜头前照亮一个勇敢的女孩。 但最近你的礼物与我这些年来习惯的不同。 一男一女的场景。 和一个女孩独自一人的场景(有一张看不见的脸) 瑟琳娜呢? .你的观念有点变了,我很难接受。
I have both criticism and encouragement I really liked the scene two women squirting And also the period of the female cycle girl. It irritates me a lot. And illuminate a brave girl in her time showing to the camera. But lately your gifts are different from what I'm used to all these years. A scene of a man and a woman. And a scene of a girl alone (with an invisible face) What about Serena? . Your concept has changed a bit I have a hard time with it.
1 1
I get that some people want to see faces. We all love seeing beautiful girls faces, but some women can't afford to expose themselves on the internet. This faceless approach gives them a chance to express themselves like this and maintain anonimous. I think it's VERY brave for these women to do this. Give these women a break
6 1
I have to disagree. I believe these women enter into this business knowing what they are doing. If they are unwilling to reveal their identity, as least as far as showing their faces, perhaps they should pursue careers in a different field.
1 7
我在这里没有得到所有的负面抱怨。我个人喜欢加入血液。它是如此原始和真实。加上整个周期对女性来说是自然的。我一直喜欢 Hegre 的一件事是他让女性表现得非常逼真。不像花花公子那样喷枪或 photoshop 太多,但真实的东西
I don't get all the negative gripe here. I for one loved the inclusion of blood. It was so Raw and real. Plus the whole cycle is natural to women. One thing i've always loved about Hegre is he put the women in realistic expressions. Not too much airbrush or photoshop like Playboy, but the real thing
我留下评论是希望影响为该网站制作的内容。我没有留下多少。但是这个评论线程让我有点难过。我也被月经关闭了。这不是无知、挑衅,也不是我对此事的感觉。女人很漂亮,视频做得很好,但对我来说不起作用。我希望 Hegre 尊重我对这部电影的感受。这不是假色情片与艺术色情片的区别,这只是我的感受,仅此而已。以同样的方式,我可能会发现一个特定的女人非常有吸引力,而对另一个女人的吸引力为零。同样,我更喜欢在查看此类照片/视频时看到女性的面孔。与黑白照片相比,我也更喜欢彩色照片。我喜欢棕色的肤色,但在黑白摄影中却失去了这一点。再一次,这就是我的感受和我喜欢的。综上所述,我喜欢我在这个网站上看到的创造力以及图像/视频的质量,这让我回味无穷。但我可能不喜欢我在这里找到的一切。
I leave comments with the hope of affecting what content is produced for this site. I haven't left many. But this comment thread leaves me a bit sad. I also am turned off by the menstruation. That is not ignorance, trolling, or anything other than my feeling about the matter. The woman are beautiful, the video is well done, but it just doesn’t work for me. And I would hope that Hegre would respect this as how I feel about this movie. It’s not about fake porn versus artistic porn, it’s just how I feel, that’s all. In the same way that I may find a particular woman very attractive while having zero attraction for another. Similarly I prefer to see the faces of the women I see when viewing photos/videos like this. I also prefer color over black and white photos. I love brown skin tones and that is lost in black and white photography. Again, that is just how I feel and what I prefer. All that said I love the creativity I see on this site as well as the quality of the images/video, that is what brings me back. But I may not like everything I find here.
3 1
嗨,比,感谢您的反思和建设性反馈。我完全尊重并理解我们都有自己的好恶,尤其是在涉及性问题时,当你像你这样说时,我没有任何问题。我只希望更多的同事在他们的反馈中像您一样细致入微和成熟。我知道从阴道流出的血会让很多人反感,是的,它对销售也不利。由于这个问题,我们已经取消了很多次,但我仍然认为这是正确的做法。这个模特很高兴分享她的性欲,即使她正在流血,她觉得这样做是有力量的,我真的很尊重她。仅供参考,我们在电影文本中发布了免责声明,“这部电影不适合胆小的人!” ......所以我们并不是没有警告过你们所有人。再次感谢。酸碱度
hi bif, appreciate your reflective and constructive feedback. I perfectly respect and understand that we all have our individual likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to the matters of sexuality, and when you put it like you do, I have no issues with it. I just wish more of your fellow members would be as nuanced and mature in their feedback as you are. I know that blood coming from the vagina is for many a big turn off, and yes, it's not great for sales either. we have had many cancellations due to this issue, but I still feel it's the right thing to do. this model was happy to share her sexual desire even if she was bleeding, and she felt empowered doing so, and I really respect her for that. fyi we posted a disclaimer in the film text, "this movie is not for the faint of heart!" ... so it's not like we did not warn you all. thanks again. ph
FABULOUS esp when squirting
Nice, but I repeat: bring back Serena
I could be wrong, and certainly agree that Serena never disappointed, but I think that like a few other of our favourites, she may have moved on. We should be grateful for the time she shred with us, and we should wish her and all of the other “graduates” joy and success in wherever life has taken them.
嗨 fonken1251,感谢您留下明智和关怀的信息。我感觉到对模特和我的谴责言论和不合理要求的增加。近 2 年来,我一直在挑战这个行业的极限,并始终尝试顺应自然,倾听内心的声音,尽可能多地实现自己的愿景。我知道这并不是每个人都喜欢的,即使对我来说,走一条新路有时也很有挑战性。我们在这里不仅是为了娱乐和享受裸体美,也是为了教育和打破性污名和禁忌。最新的是一连串的人身攻击,因为我选择在这部电影中描绘其中一个模特在自慰时来月经,称其越过亲密关系并说我是一个老变态。好吧,跨越亲密线是我们在这里所做的,所以我很高兴你终于看到了。如果我让某人感到不舒服,展示一个女人流血但仍然有性能力,欢迎来到大自然的美丽奇迹。如果您无法处理或尊重这一点,我们将很乐意接受取消您的订阅。酸碱度
hi fonken1251, thanks for dropping a sensible and caring message. I'm sensing this increase in condemning remarks and unreasonable demands towards both the models and me. I have been pushing the envelope in this industry for almost 2 decades now, and always trying to follow a natural flow, listening to my inner voice and realize as many of my visions as I can. I understand that it's not to everyone's liking, and even for me it's sometimes challenging to go down a new path. we are here not only to entertain and enjoy naked beauty, but also to educate and break sexual stigmas and taboos. the latest is a stream of personal attacks since I chose to portray one of the models here in this movie menstruating while masturbating, calling it crossing the lines of intimacy and saying I'm an old perv. well, crossing the lines of intimacy is what we do here, so I'm glad you finally see it. and if I made someone uncomfortable showing a woman bleeding and still being sexually empowered, welcome to the beautiful wonders of mother nature. and if you can not handle or respect that, we will gladly accept the cancellation of your subscription. ph
7 3
Not at all erotic. No faces, no feelings. What’s the blood about? Normally we would not wish anyone to hurt or damage themselves. Very poor, won’t be watching this film again!
1 3
嗨,susan & john,你们又来了负面评论。你在这里做什么 ?也许你应该找另一个平台而不是把你的坏情绪带到这里。酸碱度
hi susan & john, again negative spew from you guys. what are you doing here ? maybe you should find another platform instead of bringing your bad vibes here. ph
1 2
1 4
teragun 场景是 TOP NOTCH
the teragun scene is TOP NOTCH
To much no faces these days so no interest for me
11 2
嗨花,我听到你一直这么说。所以看到 2 个女孩一起达到 30 次高潮你不感兴趣吗?通过这部电影,我们也打破了月经会阻碍性探索和性快感的禁忌。因此,与其批评,不如赞扬这两个勇敢的女孩在她们最脆弱的时候分享她们的亲密关系。鉴于当今广泛存在的在线骚扰、拖钓和种族主义,您应该尊重他们愿意维护自己隐私的事实。我们不与色情模特合作。这些是隔壁的女孩,她们不希望仅仅为我们做这个项目就被终身盖章。我觉得你的评论傲慢和没有受过教育。酸碱度
hi flower, I hear you keep saying that. so seeing 2 girls having 30 orgasms all together does not interest you ? and with this movie we are also breaking the taboo that menstruation is a hinder for sexual exploration and pleasure. so instead of criticizing, let's give credit to these two brave girls for sharing their intimacy at a time of their month when they are most vulnerable. and with today's widespread online harassment, trolling and racism, you should respect that they would like to maintain their privacy. we are not working with porn models. these are girls next door and they do not wish to be stamped for life for just doing this project for us. I find your comment arrogant and uneducated. ph
17 6
对我来说,她愿意“不顾”她的月经继续工作这一事实值得表扬,而不是谴责。我已经足够大了(今年 70 岁)——并且有幸与同一个绝妙的女人共同生活了 50 多年——明白对于一些人来说,这至少仍然是一种重要的生理功能和尴尬的根源。我从来没有像她那样介意那些时候的脏乱或味道,而且更记得她在两次怀孕的前三个月的性欲比她的月经略有增加——当然比她提前绝经后更多 (39)。 我相信 Petter 会认出我的用户名,因为他欣赏模特们愿意与我们分享的性取向的任何程度,以及他近 2 年来一直在捕捉它的艺术性。
To me the fact that she was willing to continue “in spite” of her menstruation is worthy of commendation, not condemnation. I’m old enough (70 this year)- and blessed enough to have shared over 50yrs with the same fabulous woman - to understand that for some that remains both a vital biological function and a source of embarrassment at least. I never minded the mess or taste during those times as much as she, and more recall a slight increase in her libido during the first trimester of two pregnancies than her monthlies - certainly more than after her early menopause (39). I’m sure Petter will recognize my user name as one who is appreciative for whatever degree of their sexuality the models are willing to share with us, and the artistry with which he has been capturing it for close to 2 decades.
I think it is a perfect film. Two very beautifil girls. Faces or no faces, its perfect.
3 1
Their orgasms are wonderful. I like the squirting but I definitely would not have missed the blood-parts ....
5 1
嗨鉴赏家,让我解释一下血液。这不是计划好的,但我很高兴它发生了。拍摄当天,其中一位模特告诉我她的月经那天早上开始了。我问她感觉如何,她说很好,而且她的性欲实际上在她“红色”的日子里偷看,所以简单地完成它是一个简单的决定。考虑到性高潮挑战的进展情况,这似乎对她有利。来吧伙计们,你们这些幼稚和谴责的言论是怎么回事?请长大有没有人告诉您女性月经周期是一种自然现象,是阳刚之气和生育能力的标志?我们删除了很多关于此事的评论,这些评论简直令人不安且完全无知。在 hegre,我们不仅提供娱乐,还教育和消除性污名。所以请睁大眼睛,表现出一些尊重。那是我周五的咆哮。在 2021 年看到关于这件事的所有废话真是令人沮丧。祝你好运。酸碱度
hi connoisseur, let me explain about the blood. it was not planned, but I'm happy it happened. on the day of the shoot, one of the models informed me that her menstruation started that morning. I asked her how she felt and she said fine, and that her libido actually peeks during her "red" days, so it was an easy decision to simply go through with it. and considering how the orgasm challenge progressed, it seems like it was to her advantage. and c'mon guys, what is up with your childish and condemning remarks ? please grow up. did anyone tell you that the female menstrual cycle is a natural phenomena and a sign of virility and fertility ? we have deleted a lot of comments on this matter that was simply disturbing and downright ignorant. here at hegre we are not only entertaining, we are also educating and killing sexual stigmas. so please open your eyes and show some respect. that was my friday rant. it's just so frustrating to see all the bs about this matter in the year of 2021. have a good one. ph
10 5
Lovely fit bodies, but so so mechanical. Not a hint as to what the girls were thinking about while they diddled themselves. The most erotic bit for me was hearing the voices when they were counting the tokens.
您好 pwdinblew,感谢您的反馈。感谢你的时间。在此期间记录了不少于 30 次性高潮。一个女孩达到了 13 次性高潮,另外 17 次达到了她们两人的“个人最好成绩”。首先,她们是成熟的女孩,我喜欢她们这一点。其次,他们正在集中注意力。女性高潮主要是一种智力游戏,如果不集中注意力,她们就不可能达到这些数字。他们像运动员一样接受了这个挑战,并向内走并专注于自己。这不是脱口秀、肥皂剧或色情电影。这是真实的。这是真的。他们做了他们不得不一次又一次达到高潮的事情。酸碱度
hi pwdinblew, thanks for your feedback. appreciate your time. no less than 30 orgasms were recorded during this session. one girl reached 13 orgasms and the other 17, "personal bests" for both of them. first of all, they are mellow girls, and I love that about them. secondly, they were concentrating. the female orgasm is primarily a mind game and without being focused there is no way they could have reached these numbers. they took this challenge like the athletes they are and went inwards and focused on themselves. this is not a talk show, soap opera or a porn movie. this is true. this is real. and they did what they had to climax again and again. ph
嗨,Petter,一个迟来的回应——我最近一直在想很多关于性和性感的事情,这个视频一直在脑海中浮现。 我很钦佩你的工作,因为这种方法在你对性事物的看法之后已经发展了二十年;看到这些变化真的很有趣。我特别喜欢您尝试将模型视为完整的人,而不仅仅是身体的方式;最近还介绍了所谓的“真正的性爱”,例如家庭视频和本次拍摄的接受月经。 我们可能分手的地方是关于性的大脑方面。我对伴随甚至可能允许性兴奋和高潮的想法和情绪很感兴趣:我喜欢看一个女人达到性高潮,但总是想知道她是如何达到性高潮的。这可能反映出我对以身体为导向的性活动相对缺乏经验;我一直在寻找情感联系或情色背景,在我 80 岁生日临近时更是如此。 请不断改变和探索!
Hi Petter, a belated response - I've been thinking a lot recently about sexuality and sensuality, and this video keeps coming to mind. I admire your work because the approach has evolved over two decades following your ideas about things sexual; it's really interesting to see the changes. I particularly like the way you've tried to treat your models as whole people, not just as bodies; also the recent introduction of what might be termed "real sex", such as the home videos and here in this shoot, the acceptance of menstruation. Where we perhaps part company is in regard to the cerebral side of sex. I'm interested in the thoughts and emotions which accompany, possibly even allow, arousal and climax: I love to watch a woman in orgasm, but always wonder just how she got there. This may reflect my relative inexperience with physically-oriented sexual activity; I've always sought emotional links or erotic context, even more so as I approach my 80th birthday. Please keep changing and exploring!
They are gorgeous and it’s a great idea but we need to see their faces in this kind of video otherwise it’s too impersonal.
You need to see their faces maybe but please don't think you speak for all of us. Some of us respect the model's need for privacy and are able to enjoy watching them anyway.
yikes. not remotely sexy. blood? really? I'm sure there are folks who like these ladies, but I'm not into them and getting tired of them.
15 4
您好,“francy is amazing”,请参阅我对上述“鉴赏家”的回复。在 hegre,我们不描绘虚假和光鲜亮丽的色情内容。我们是真实的,我们是诚实的,月经周期是其中的一部分。奇怪的是,有多少人实际上假装这些血腥的日子不存在,或者他们将其视为某种疾病。你的“哎呀”回应和所有的“竖起大拇指”看起来很难过,我为和你们在一起的女人感到难过。酸碱度
hi there "francy is amazing", please see my response to "connoisseur" above regarding this matter. here at hegre we do not portray fake and glossy porn. we are real and we are honest, and the menstrual cycle is part of that. it's weird how many men actually pretend that these bloody days do not exist or that they look at it like some disease. your "yikes" response and all it's "thumbs ups" are just sad to watch and I feel sorry for the woman that hang with you all. ph
9 3
thank you for your thoughtful response. I def do not fall into the camp I think you assumed I do. Honestly, I came to the wrong conclusion and therefore do admit that my mistake should be called out. I made the mistake of a similar kind as you did but, I think my mistake is worse. I assumed that, based on my general aversion to porn that harms women, that I was not witnessing her menstrual cycle. I actually didn't watch the video because I came to the wrong conclusion. Accept my apologies for assuming you'd make such porn. Thanks again for calling me out. Seriously.
Enticing but...distant - please, you need to show their faces - this was too impersonal and antiseptic, regardless of the number of orgasms.
That was quite disturbing. Too much blood and smear. And on the long run , these faceless vids become boring
我明白我们不应该在这种情况下批评。这本可以成为一部伟大的电影 - 克劳和阿尔巴之间早期“决斗”的更加粗俗的版本。不幸的是,对我来说,这两个模型的参与程度几乎不存在。
I appreciate we're not supposed to criticize in these circumstances. This could have been a great film - a much more raunchy version of the earlier "duel" between Clau and Alba. Unfortunately, for me, the level of engagement with the two models is almost non-existent.
嗨 global58,我一直很感激你的参与。对不起,女孩们没有足够地招待你,或者对你很粗鲁。你有没有想过女孩们实际上专注于交给他们的任务?他们都是职业运动员,他们知道如何表现。女性高潮更像是一场头脑游戏。经过 20 年的亲昵拍摄,我知道这是一个事实。你真的认为让所有的负荷和不修边幅会帮助他们更多更快地达到高潮吗?不,那只会分散他们的注意力。挑战是在 1 小时内尽可能多次达到高潮。他们之间恰好有 30 次真正的高潮,并且都在这场“比赛”中创下了“个人最好成绩”。这是一项相当出色的表现,如果不全神贯注,几乎不可能实现。他们肯定参与其中,令人失望的是你看不到它。你真的认为一个女人可以一次又一次地来而不被卷入吗?没有。他们的高潮不像三叶草在她的挑战中那样“轻而快”(https://www.hegre.com/films/clover-crazy-climax-challenge),她有 76 次高潮。它们是深度的全身性高潮,有些带有喷射,每次之间需要恢复时间。所以,请再看一遍,忘掉色情世界,也许那时你会珍惜这种真实女性性欲的独特展示。最好的。酸碱度
hi global58, I always appreciate your engagement. sorry the girls did not entertain you enough or got all raunchy for you. did it ever occur to you that the girls actually focused on the task given to them ? they are both professional athletes and they know what it takes to perform. and the female orgasm is more of a head game than anything else. after 20 years of shooting intimacy, I know that for a fact. do you really think getting all load and raunchy would help them climax more and faster ? no, that would only distract them. the challenge was to orgasm as many times as possible during 1 hour. between them they had exactly 30 REAL orgasms, and both set "personal bests" in this "race". it's quite a performance, and practically impossible to achieve without deep concentration. surely they were into it, and it's disappointing that you can not see it. do you really think it's possible for a woman to come again and again without being involved ? nope. and their orgasms are not "light and fast" like in clover's in her challenge ( https://www.hegre.com/films/clover-crazy-climax-challenge ) where she had 76 orgasms.  they are deep full body orgasms, some with squirts, that require recovery time between each one. so, please look again, forget about the world of porn and maybe then you can value this unique display of true female sexuality. best. ph
2 1
I clearly don't express myself well. I don't for a moment doubt the girls' commitment or performance. Unfortunately, from a personal point of view, I didn't really engage with the pair of them. The film is superficially similar to the one involving Clau and Alba, however, in that case I had much more of a sense of involvement with the girls as individuals and the interaction between them. Much of this is non-verbal and that is absent when, as in this case, both girls wish to, quite rightly, retain some element of anonymity. This is purely a personal reaction - thankfully, we all have different tastes. If I wasn't happy, I wouldn't keep subscribing!
fine very fine
1 3
We want to see passion in their eyes and faces. You know how important it is
We don’t see faces we don’t see eyes… we don’t see passion. Once again, frustrating video
同意 Danny69..... 没有面孔,对我来说没有太大的转机;无论他们达到多少高潮
Agree with Danny69..... without faces, there is not much of a turn for me; no matter how many orgasms they acheive
Ur right
Women without faces, smiles, personality, and eyes just do not work for me. If they are ashamed to be seen then I do not wish to see them. There is no glory in just body parts.
24 1
您是否考虑过这些女孩不会/不能露面可能还有其他原因?如果她们不是专业模特,一旦被认出她们可能会以某种方式受到迫害。在那种情况下,他们甚至进行这些拍摄都是双倍勇敢的。 当然,这不会影响您的个人喜好,但您知道,我们都有不同的喜好,我个人认为这段视频摇滚,无论是否有面子。
Have you considered that there might be other reasons these girls won't/can't show their faces? If they are not professional models they could perhaps be persecuted in some way if they were identified. In that case it is doubly brave of them to even do these shoots. This does not, of course, detract from your personal preference but you know, we all have different preferences and I for one think this video rocks, faces or not.
Oh yes ur right
Great video but completely ruined by not showing faces again :(
orgasms without a face are only half as beautiful
ur right
I like that your models do not have tattoos, or body piercings. As for this video, really well done.
1 2
我在这里可能是少数,但那是非常令人反感和无聊的。我觉得看着漂亮的女人把超大的假阳具塞进自己体内直到造成明显的疼痛和伤害是没有吸引力的。 不喜欢这个视频。
I may be in the minority here but that was utterly distasteful and boring to watch. I find no appeal in watching beautiful women shove oversized dildos in to themselves until it causes visible pain and hurt. Thumbs down for this video.