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她是典型的意大利人。乌黑的头发,撩人的外表,性感的气质,仿佛看到了全盛时期的电影偶像索菲亚罗兰。 认识 25 岁的意大利人 Lidia。虽然她在家乡米兰是一名经验丰富的时装模特,但这是她第一次不穿衣服摆姿势。 很容易忘记为全世界展示一切是多么勇敢。当你反抗保守的天主教教养时,甚至会更勇敢。这解释了为什么 Lidia 考虑这个决定超过一年。但是体验 Hegre 拍摄和探索她性能力的愿望实在是太强烈了。对我们来说幸运的是,她决定与世界分享她的美妙品质。 她不是挨饿的走秀模特。她拥有让男人为之疯狂的曲线。此外,不进食以达到一些不自然的身材将是对意大利美食美食乐趣的侮辱。简而言之,她很美味。
She is the quintessential Italian. With dark hair, sultry looks and smouldering with sex appeal, this is like seeing film icon Sophia Loren in her heyday.
Meet 25-year-old Italian, Lidia. While she’s an experienced fashion model in her home town of Milan, this is her first time posing without clothes on.
It’s easy to forget how brave it is to bare all for the world to see. And even braver when you’re defying your conservative catholic upbringing. Which explains why Lidia contemplated this decision for over a year. But the desire to experience a Hegre shoot and explore her sexual power was just too strong. And so luckily for us, she decided to share her wonderful attributes with the world.
She is no starving catwalk model. She has the curves that make men go crazy. And besides, not eating to achieve some unnatural figure would be an insult to the gastronomic pleasures of Italian cuisine. Put simply, she is delicious.
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