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HEGRE 的第 922 部电影将我们带回 PETER HEGRE 的工作室,亲身体验裸体造型和情色摄影的精妙艺术。 由意大利顶级模特 LIDIA 主演,PETER HEGRE 带领我们了解各种照明技术和背景,以及各种相机设置。并且不要忘记如何充分利用您的模特并让她在镜头前完全放松。 不容错过,这是一个难得的机会,可以在他自己的泰勒工作室里观看大师级摄影师的工作。
HEGRE’s 922nd movie takes us back to PETTER HEGRE’s studio for a hands on workshop of nude modeling and the subtle art of erotic photography.
STARRING top Italian model LIDIA, PETTER HEGRE guides us through various lighting techniques and backgrounds, as well as a wide selection of camera settings. And not to forget how to get the most of your model and make her at total ease in front of the lens.
Not to be missed, this is a rare opportunity to watch a master photographer at work in his own taylor-made studio.
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