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Federica 拥有经典的模特造型。她身材高挑,身材苗条,一头童话般的金发,一双眼睛如倒映夕阳的池水一般闪闪发光。 29 岁的 Federica 敢于承认自己仍然有点像妈咪的女儿。她来自米兰南部的一个小镇,与母亲住在一套公寓里,表达了她对不成熟男人的蔑视。他们到底能提供什么? Federica 的现任男友今年 49 岁,自从她自己成年以来,她只和 40 岁以上的男人约会。她喜欢购物,喜欢与知名意大利设计师一起在陈列室工作。 作为独生女,Federica 很肯定她不想生孩子——他们只是不适合她的生活方式。
Federica has that classic model look. She is tall, slender, with fairy-tale blonde hair, and eyes that sparkle like pools of water reflecting the setting sun.
At 29 years old, Federica is not afraid to admit she is still a bit of a Mommy’s girl. Hailing from a small town just south of Milan, she lives in a flat with her mother and makes it a point to express her disdain for immature men. What on earth could they possibly offer?
Federica’s current boyfriend is 49 and has only been dating men over 40 since she became an adult herself. She loves shopping and enjoys working for showrooms with well known Italian designers.
Being an only child, Federica is positive she never wants to have children – they just don’t fit into her lifestyle.
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