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抓住难得的机会一睹瓦莱丽异国情调的生活方式。美丽的女人配得上美丽的环境。 她渴望看到这一天会带来什么。因此,在黎明之前,她开始了她的发现。从一开始,她就与周围的自然世界融为一体。当她温暖到白天时,阳光在她赤裸的身体上嬉戏。她陶醉于生命在她内心悸动的每一刻。 她的兴奋变成了欲望。她的愿望必须得到满足。
Take a rare chance to get a glimpse of Valerie’s exotic lifestyle. A beautiful woman deserves a beautiful setting.
She is eager to see what the day will bring. So before dawn she sets out on her discoveries. From the start she is totally at one with the natural world about her. The sun plays on her naked body as she warms to the day. She revels in each moment of the life throbbing within her.
Her excitement turns to desire. And her desire must find fulfilment.
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