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她有能力,她来这里就是为了证明这一点。瓦莱丽 (Valerie) 邀请您回顾她精彩故事中的里程碑时刻。 无论她在哪里,她都会绽放。她迷人的身材和迷人的个性使她从热带天堂毛里求斯来到了地中海的魅力。对她来说,一路都是蓝天。真正的瓦莱丽在这里,女人和超级巨星。 陶醉在这个她重要场合的宝库中。和她一起重温他们。
She’s got what it takes and she’s here to prove it. Valerie invites you to take a look at the landmark moments along the way of her amazing story.
She blossoms wherever she finds herself. Her stunning body and her alluring personality have brought her from her tropical paradise of Mauritius to the glamour of the Mediterranean. It is blue skies all the way for her. The real Valerie is here, woman and superstar.
Revel in this treasure house of her highlight occasions. Relive them with her.
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