
The power of the ocean

by Bara February 02 | 2015

The power of the ocean

People love to watch someone while meditating. And they like to talk to them to be able to connect to a higher vibration. Or simply they like to talk about meditation and try to figure out what it’s all about and how it feels.

Then when they finally take the time to practice meditation themselves nothing happens. But the thing is, you did not ride the bike the first time you got on it. It took time. Many people lose their passion quickly, because meditation feels forced or fake.

And I know that feeling well. Personally, I used to hate it when some of my friends were completely in bliss just by siting with crossed legs and closed eyes. I thought that it was not real, that they pretended to be experiencing pure happiness and bliss.

But I did not give up trying to reach that state. Sometimes along my journey I have tried to convince myself that what I was experiencing during yoga and meditation was the peak. I thought, “Ah, now I understand what bliss means”. But deep inside I kept moving on, believing there was something greater.

The thing is that we are already bliss, we are already happiness, but it’s all under so many layers of judgments, doubts and unpleasant memories, it’s difficult to see it. Even though we have powerful reminders surrounding us, for instance: nature, the sun and the ocean. They are here every single day, ready to nourish us.

And if we’re smart we can use this free opportunity, instead of taking pills for this and that. That’s what meditation is: constantly letting go of imaginary needs and imaginary problems and imaginary duties.

We all are creators of our own reality. So we need to choose carefully what we create. It’s also about letting go of any unnecessary tension in the body at the same time.

Sure, sitting usually isn’t an ecstatic experience, but for some it can be. How?
It’s finding the pleasure of a perfect balance and complete effortless state of the body and the mind. What else can be ecstatic if not that feeling of letting the mystery happen without doing anything.

Like the ocean just happens. The ocean doesn’t do anything. Without the wind there’s no wave; without sun there’s no sparkle. Millions of people are inspired and fascinated by the ocean, because the ocean just is and surrenders to the happenings of life.

I wish you a nice dive in to your practice


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The Power of the Ocean
So, Bara, you have returned to the sea for illustrate your meditative comments. We should never forget, however, that it isn't just the wind and the sun that activate to ocean. There are also the Earth's rotation and the Moon's gravitational force. These are the major oceanic dynamos. Even the calmest ocean is alive with activities under the surface. Perhaps, in relation to mediation, a thinking mind can - like the wind generated by the Earth's rotation - upset the calm surface, whilst highs and lows of emotions and feelings - like the Moon's gravitational force - can destabilise the brain's attempts to maintain a calm equilibrium. This is why successful meditation is very difficult to achieve.
No penetrative sex can feel like your cells making love

I can imagine that some of you are thinking, “Wow, no penetration and no friction, what’s the point then? But just remember that moment when you first kissed your beloved and there was electricity between you both for a few seconds or minutes. That’s actually an orgasmic experience connecting you with the whole universe.

And did you think that you wanted to keep this feeling for as long as possible? Maybe you’ve started to think this feeling has disappeared? Or maybe it comes back again when you did not expect it.

What I’m talking about is the moment when you look into someone’s eyes, or while you’re gently been stroked, and the cells in each of your start to recognize each other.

What if we can develop this ability and deliberately surrender to soft electricity? Once there is just electricity, the person becomes the electricity – as effortless and thoughtless as electricity. And what if this can last for hours like one long orgasmic wave? Sometimes it’ll be intense. Other times it’ll be so soft that you almost don’t recognize it. But the cells recognize each other and give attention to the cells of your beloved.

Thousands of cells make love to each other and you can be present in it. You don’t do much; it’s almost effortless – you just have the opportunity to observe this amazing piece of art being created.

It’s like when you listen to amazing music and it penetrates your body and you feel a tingle. For a moment you are in harmony with that music, you flow with it, and it becomes a part of you.

How much you would pay to experience this at least once? Thank god it’s not an item you have to buy in a shop. What if you have it already and you just need to find the source of endless electricity within you and from time to time meet someone who helps to remind you where it is and how to open it?

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I feel somthing similar to an orgasm when listening to certain kind of music of very special songs (once a musician). This feeling, best described as waves of shivering starting at top of my head and moving downwards, can go on for minutes, and sometimes i can also recall them by "force". I think it's all about opening our senses and receiving input on different plane's that is limiting others...
Non-Penetrative Sex
For this to happen, both of the partners need to be harmoniously 'fully in the moment' with each other as they embrace. (I gather that the 'yab-yum' position is best for this practice).

Sacred Yoni, who is she?

by Bara January 18 | 2015

Sacred Yoni, who is she?

One thing is clear she’s very beautiful and she has great power, I would say she is one of the most powerful things in the world.

Yoni is a sacred Sanskrit word and means vagina. She has the power to be the gateway to creating new life and also has the power to destroy everything. So it is better to behave towards her with respect and appreciation for all she is providing us.

We all came through her and we come back to her to ask for refreshing energy. She is able to flood men with ecstatic energy when she is worshiped the sacred way.

With all this in mind, it’s better to ask what you can do for her, not what she can do for you.

You may never have thought this way before. How can we do the yoni worship? It’s a little ritual that may last a few minutes or several hours, whatever you choose. If you’re a man you can practice with your partner, or with a picture or a statue. If you’re a woman, of course, you have everything you need with you.

What makes the difference is your intention, your approach. You should come with esteem and simply offer your attention to her. For those of you who would like to connect with this powerful energy of creating and destructing, of softness and passion, of receptivity and creativity, here is a tip for you.

The ritual:

Find a nice comfortable, intimate and quiet place where you can be with your partner or the symbol of a yoni or with your own yoni. Do everything necessary to make yourself relaxed and connected with yourself (you might include candles, music and incense).

Close your eyes, rub your hands together a few times to make a little bit of heat between them. You may feel some sensation, so take your time to put all your focus on deep breathing and on the skin of your palms.

While you’re breathing deep it is the time to whisper your prayer, a sentence of the great fullness that you feel for her. Find at least one thing that you want to thank her for. It needs to be true for you. Your prayer is coming from your heart. For example, “Thank you divine mother that I could be born with your support”. Or whatever feels right for you. But you need to have nonsexual attitude.

Remember your intention is to worship the yoni. You don’t want to get anything; you’re giving your thanks for all she is doing for you in your life.

When you’re ready and fully present, slowly put your relaxed hand on your yoni – without any movement. Then breathe deeply and remember your worshipping sentence and focus on the connection between you and the sacred yoni. It’s up to you how long you keep your focus and your hand there.

When you feel you have worshipped her the best way you could, slowly and with full awareness remove your hand. Connect your hands in Namaste (palms pressed together as if in prayer) close to your heart.

This is the end of the ritual, so if you’re with your partner it means you can stay together but you shouldn’t start any sexual play or chat. Your woman can also finish with Namaste as thanks for the ritual and that is it.

If you decide to practice this ritual it’s possible for the first time you won’t feel so much. But I assure you each time it will be different and probably more intense. In time you may start to feel a real connection to the mother earth, to feminine fire energy and also to feminine angels’ energy and intuition.

And your experience of lovemaking will never be the same again.


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yoni massage
Could you please do a Hegre video of you giving Victoria R and or Anna S a full orgasmic Yoni Massage ?

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