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图为现场!纽约市清爽寒冷的秋日,湛蓝的天空,明媚的阳光和著名的曼哈顿天际线。 突然,沿着屋顶,您可以瞥见一个裸体天使。她在严酷的建筑线条中蜿蜒前行,偶尔回头与你的目光相遇,引诱你继续用眼睛追随她。它的新 Hegre find Masha 是一个照亮周围灰色混凝土丛林的模特。 拍摄这部电影时,附近建筑物的办公室工作人员从窗户欢呼起来,来看看为什么!
Picture the scene! A crisp, cold autumn day in New York City, clear blue skies, bright sunshine and the renowned Manhattan skyline.
Suddenly along the rooftops you get a glimpse of what seems to be a naked angel. Shes winding her way amongst the harsh lines of construction, occasionally glancing back to meet your gaze and tempt you to continue following her with your eyes. Its new Hegre find Masha, a model who literally lights up the surrounding grey, concrete jungle.
The office workers in nearby buildings cheered from their windows as this film was being shot, come and find out why!
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