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凭借她可爱的噘嘴、娇小的身体和深情的高潮,Ariel 很快成为 Hegre.com 会员的轰动人物。现在您可以见到她最喜欢的玩具——大黑朋友。 在她淋浴间干净的白色大理石墙壁上,她轻轻地将温热的油涂抹在她润湿的花上。大黑朋友稳稳地站在她的双腿之间。他的体型让她紧张,但也很兴奋。所以她慢慢来,轻轻地抚摸自己,让他看她的私人游戏。 但很快她就无法抗拒,把他拉进了她的世界。在她的双腿之间,在她的嘴里,从后面。当 Big Black Friend 从她性感的控制中滑落时,Ariel 展示了她是多么纯洁,从狂喜到大笑。 这部精彩的电影让您与爱丽儿的距离只有真正的朋友才能感受到。
With her adorable pout, petite body, and soulful orgasms, Ariel has quickly become a sensation with Hegre.com members. Now you get to meet her favourite toy – Big Black Friend.
Among the clean white marble walls of her shower, she gently applies warm oils to her moistening flower. Big Black Friend stands firm between her legs. His size makes her nervous, but also very aroused. So she takes it slow, touching herself gently, letting him watch her private games.
But soon she can’t resist, and she pulls him into her world. Between her legs, in her mouth, and from behind. And when Big Black Friend slips from her sensual grip, Ariel shows how pure she is, moving from ecstasy to laughter.
This amazing film takes you as close to Ariel as only a true friend could feel.
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