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欢迎来到 Stasha,一位身材娇小的年轻美女,幸运的是,她自称是个暴露狂! Stasha 出生于乌克兰,但在捷克共和国美丽的布拉格市长大。凭借她娃娃般的特征和完美的比例,相机非常喜欢 Stasha。 Petter Hegre 形容她圆滑、优雅的身材就像“炎热夏日里的一只懒猫”! Stasha 喜欢用手指吃多汁的烤大虾,她生命中的另一个爱好是她的白色小车,车窗有色,她为自己的车感到非常自豪! 斯塔莎可能看起来很无辜,但她很清楚自己对男人的影响——所以要小心!你被警告了!
Welcome along Stasha, a petite young beauty who, lucky for us, is a self proclaimed exhibitionist!
Stasha was born in the Ukraine but grew up in the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic. With her doll-like features and perfect proportions the camera just loves Stasha. Petter Hegre described her sleek, graceful form as being like ‘a lazy cat on a hot summer day’!
Stasha loves to eat juicy, grilled prawns with her fingers and another love in her life is her little, white car with tinted windows, She is very proud of her car!
Stasha may look innocent but she knows for sure the effect she has on men – so watch out! You have been warned!
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