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看看现在的 Polya,您永远不会知道从前,Polya 几乎没有自信,自尊心几乎为零。 几年可以带来多大的不同!一旦 Polya 成熟,她的身体就开始在她今天的女人身上生根发芽。那些在成长过程中嘲笑和取笑波利亚的男孩现在乞求并恳求有机会和她约会。当然,Polya 太聪明了,不会给他们一天的时间,而且无论如何玩弄和逗弄他们也太有趣了。 如今,Polya 对回头率并不陌生。她偶尔会在乌克兰的一家脱衣舞俱乐部工作,为欣赏她柔软精致的面部特征和修长身材的专属客户跳舞。在业余时间,她甚至偶尔做模特,曾登上 Perfect 10 杂志。 这些天,波利亚有一个男朋友,对她就像对待皇家美女一样。我们相信他的努力会得到丰厚的回报。
Looking at Polya now, you’d never know that once upon a time Polya had very little confidence, and next to zero self-esteem.
What a difference a few years can make! Once Polya reached maturity her body began to take root into the woman she is today. The same boys who laughed and teased Polya growing up now begged and pleaded for the chance to date her. Of course Polya is much too smart to give them the time of day, and it is far too fun to toy and tease them anyway.
These days, Polya is no stranger to turning heads. She works on occasion at a strip club in the Ukraine, dancing for exclusive clients who appreciate her soft delicate facial features and long slender body. In her spare time she even models on occasion, having been featured in Perfect 10 Magazine.
These days, Polya has a boyfriend who treats her like the royal beauty she is. We’re sure he is rewarded handsomely for his efforts.
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