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我们的新模特不仅富有创意和可爱,而且很有幽默感。当被要求在她的个人资料中描述自己时,Pin 说“可爱、矮胖,还有内置的靠垫。”作为会员,您会明白她的意思。 Pin 在大学学习时装设计,并在曼谷家中的地下室为直接客户定制试衣。她也喜欢裸体,而且在泰国也很自由,尽管她的文化对此不以为然。 一个自由有文化的女孩,她的朋友大多是变性人或同性恋,在艺术行业工作。所以和我们一起欢迎 Pin 来到 Hegre——一个充满灵感和美丽的裸体天使!
Our new model is not only creative and adorable, she’s got a great sense of humor. When asked to describe herself for her profile, Pin said “cute, chunky, and with built-in cushions.” As a member, you’ll get to see what she means.
Pin studied fashion design at university and does custom fittings for direct clients out of the basement of her family home in Bangkok. She also loves to pose nude, and feels free to do so in Thailand, even though her culture frowns upon it.
A free and cultured girl, most of her friends are transgender or gay and work in the arts industry. So join us in welcoming Pin to Hegre – a naked angel of inspiration and beauty!
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