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就像美洲狮一样,24 岁的佩内洛普是高海拔的绝配。一个真正的山女,她坚强,健康,无所畏惧。 当您在山区生活和工作时,有一件事是肯定的——您的体型会很好。佩内洛普令人难以置信的身体是她健康生活方式的一面镜子。 在冬天,她是一名滑雪教练,无忧无虑地从山上疾驰而下。当她不教人们如何滑雪时,她喜欢驾驶由 12 只凶猛的狗拉的雪橇!这妹子还真有极限运动资历! 她热爱户外活动,认为享受大自然的奇观并同时照顾好自己的身体非常重要。 当她不滑下斜坡时,她喜欢跳舞。每年她都会前往巴西的里约热内卢狂欢节,每天跳舞 10 个小时——几乎什么都不穿!
Just like the mountain lion, 24 year-old Penelope is a perfect match for high altitudes. A genuine mountain girl, she’s strong, fit and has no fear.
When you live and work in the mountains, one thing is for sure – you’re going to be in great shape. Penelope’s incredible body is a mirror of her healthy lifestyle.
During the winter she’s a ski instructor, swooshing down the mountain without a care in the world. And when she’s not teaching people how to ski, she likes to steer sledges pulled by a pack of 12 fierce dogs! This girl has serious extreme sport credentials!
In love with the great outdoors, she believes it’s important to enjoy the wonders of nature and to look after your body at the same time.
When she’s not gliding down the slopes, she loves to dance. Each year she travels to the Rio Carnival in Brazil dancing for 10 hours every day – wearing next to nothing!
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