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也许是 Hegre.com 上最娇小的模特之一,Janina 是真正的原创。 凭借在游泳比赛中的雄心壮志,她的身体让人想起在海浪中滑行的海豚。精致优雅,很多人认为她比她本来的二十二岁要年轻得多。作为自然和整体医学的爱好者,她不断地进行各种饮食,这与她极度自律的天性相辅相成。 一天早上,彼得·赫格雷在布拉格的老广场上找到了贾尼娜。她在那里喝着一杯绿茶,读着一本关于灵性治疗的书。起初她完全拒绝了 Petter 的提议,但经过几轮电话和一对一的讨论,她终于同意了。 虽然她可能再也不会这样做了,但她发现做裸体模特既是一种解放,也是一种积极的成长经历。
Perhaps one of the most petite models on Hegre.com, Janina is a true original.
WITH GRAND ambitions in competition swimming, her body is reminiscent of a dolphin gliding through the ocean waves. Delicate and graceful, there are many individuals who think she is much younger then her natural twenty-two years of age. A lover of nature and holistic medicine, she is constantly on various diets which come hand in hand with her fiercely self disciplined nature.
Petter Hegre approached Janina one morning in the old square in Prague. There she was drinking a cup of green tea and reading a book about spiritual healing. At first she totally rejected Petter’s offer, but after several rounds of phone calls and a one-on-one discussion she finally agreed.
Though she would perhaps never do it again, she found modeling nude to be both liberating and a positive growing experience.
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