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她的名字在希腊语中可能是女神的意思,但西娅的血管里流淌着德国和美国的血统。不要被她脆弱的外表所迷惑——这位 21 岁的女强人拥有绝对的意志力和决心! 皮特·赫格雷 (Petter Hegre) 将西娅描述为“小身材中的钢铁意志”。西娅非常重视自己的健康,您可以称之为健身狂热者。自律的奥运冠军——运动、绿茶和红酒是她身心健康的秘诀。她还严格遵守无碳水化合物饮食,以保持身材苗条和健美! Hegre 在开普敦的一次晚宴上认识了 Thea,她精致的五官和超级健美的身材立即发现了她作为模特的潜力。其余的,正如他们所说,是历史… 凭借迷人的外表、充满活力的个性和坚定的决心,Thea 一定会在她想做的任何事情上取得成功!
Her name may mean goddess in Greek but it is German and American blood that Thea has running through her veins. And don’t be fooled by her fragile appearance - this 21-year-old powerhouse has will power and determination in spades!
Described by Petter Hegre as ‘An iron will in a small body’ Thea takes her health seriously, and is what you may call something of a fitness fanatic. An Olympic champion in self-discipline - sports, green tea and red wine are her recipe for a healthy mind and body. She also follows a strictly no-carbohydrates diet to keep her figure lean and toned!
Hegre met Thea during a dinner party in Cape Town and with her fine features and super-toned body immediately spotted her potential as a model. The rest, as they say is history…
With her stunning looks, vibrant personality and her steely determination, Thea is certain to succeed in whatever she puts her mind to!
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