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Tereza 是来自捷克共和国的一名戏剧学生,她正在寻找更大的表演舞台。她的初恋是剧院。那是她第一次害羞地走入聚光灯下的地方。 从那里开始,这个面孔年轻的女孩刚刚开始涉足一些精心挑选的美术工作室的模特工作。她拥有完美比例的身材,很适合镜头。她苍白光滑的皮肤与光滑的波浪形头发形成鲜明对比。它滚落到她挺拔的乳房上,仿佛在拥抱她。她性感的外表让人联想到意大利,她爱的国家。 Tereza 散发着青春的纯真气息。但请记住那句老话,“酒窝在下巴,恶魔在里面。”就像她是崭露头角的女演员一样,特丽莎让我们猜测接下来会发生什么。我们相信这将是一个表演的终结者。
Tereza is a drama student from the Czech Republic who is looking for a bigger stage to perform on. Her first love was the theatre. That was where she made her first shy moves into the limelight.
From there this fresh faced young girl has just begun to branch out into some modelling for carefully selected fine art studios. She is a natural for the camera with a perfectly proportioned body. Her pale, smooth skin contrasts stunningly with her sleek wavy hair. It tumbles down to her pert breasts as though it is embracing her. Her voluptuous looks have a suggestion of Italy, the country she is in love with.
Tereza has an air of youthful innocence. But remember the old phrase, “Dimple on the chin, devil within.” Like the budding actress she is, Tereza is keeping us guessing what’s next. We are sure it will be a show stopper.
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