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就像猎豹追捕猎物一样,塔尼亚也需要速度。作为一个充满激情的骑自行车的人和赛车爱好者,她最喜欢的莫过于感受她双腿之间的强大机器。 这位 25 岁的法国人研究亚洲文化,享受构成世界这个多元化地区的丰富的艺术、文学、美食和音乐历史。 Tania 还是一位动物爱好者和环保主义者。她认为我们都有责任照顾地球并照顾生活在地球上的所有生物。从全球变暖到绿色能源,从森林砍伐到过度捕捞,Tania 喜欢参与并成为解决方案的一部分,而不是问题的一部分。 和她喜欢的大型猫科动物一样,塔尼亚圆滑、苗条、美丽——有一双热情、锐利的绿眼睛。请注意,这只超级猫可能看起来很可爱。但是当你去抚摸她时,她可能会咬人!
Like the cheetah hunting her prey, Tania has a need for speed. As a passionate biker and racing car enthusiast, she likes nothing more than to feel a powerful machine between her legs.
The 25 year old from France studied Asian culture, enjoying the rich history of art, literature, food and music that make up this diverse part of the world.
Tania is also an animal lover and environmentalist. She believes we all have a responsibility to look after the planet and care for all the creatures living on it. From global warming to green energy, from deforestation to overfishing, Tania likes to get involved and to be a part of the solution, not the problem.
And like the big cats she loves, Tania is sleek, slender and beautiful – with intense, piercing green eyes. Just be warned, this super cat may look cute. But when you go to stroke her, she might just bite!
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