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Shako 在她的祖国乌克兰已经是一个大人物。这对于成就列表来说怎么样? 她在那里建立了演员、模特和歌手的声誉。她的名字在电影和电视广告中出现了一长串。乌克兰版的“花花公子”争相让她登上封面。所以她习惯了高调的演出。 还有多少世界等着她去征服?首先,她同意为 Hegre.com 做裸体模特。就像她所做的其他一切一样,这将是完整的。这是她席卷洛杉矶和迈阿密的宏伟计划的一部分。 Shako 敏锐而聪明。她是伍迪艾伦的忠实粉丝,尤其是他的“赛点”电影。这是一个知道世界如何运作的女孩。 当您在美国本土的红地毯上看到她时,您不必感到惊讶。
Shako is already a big name in her native Ukraine. How’s this for a list of achievements?
She has built a reputation there as an actress, a model and a singer. She’s got a long list of credits to her name featuring in films and TV commercials. The Ukrainian edition of “Playboy” competed to get her on its cover. So she is used to high-profile gigs.
What more worlds are left for her to conquer? For a start, there is the nude modelling that she has agreed to do for Hegre.com. Like everything else she does, this will be full on. It is all part of her grand plan to take LA and Miami by storm.
Shako is sharp and smart. She is a big fan of Woody Allen, especially his “Match Point” movie. This is a girl who knows how the world works.
You needn’t be surprised when you see her on the Stateside red carpets.
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