
Olivie Profile

Name: Olivie
Country: Czech Republic
Weight: 59kg
Height: 174cm
Born: October, 1985

Fun Loving Hippie Girl

You name it, and Olivie has probably done it.

A SELF proclaimed hippie, anarchist, and believer of underground cultures, Olivie is very intellectual and extremely involved in international politics. She loves to sing and play the guitar and is looking forward to the next series of Big Brother to take place in the Czech Republic. In her own words she has agreed to appear on the show to, “stir it up with some intellectual humor.”

Since she was very young Olivie has long had a natural attitude toward nudity. In true sixties spirit she believes in ‘free sex’; preferring the loving and intimate touch of petting and stroking. When asked about her body she will readily profess a love for her hair and lips but admits she wishes her nipples were smaller.

Luckily it doesn’t seem anyone else shares that opinion.

Olivie exhibitionist June 5th, 2006

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Nice girl, nice pics, but do not know what, think that something went wrong that day! Eroticism,may be that's What's missing.
Ultimate Erotica....Olivie's beauty and nyphetic allure along with her erotic play with the leather belt makes this picture set worth treasuring for its extremely eroticist charm...
Picture 48
I love Picture 48, because it has sharp focus of the arm. There's also many pics that focuses the abdomen. Also, everyone knows she's cute.
Olivie Sweet Hippie May 30th, 2006

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Pretty model! She actually looks like a teenage girl in her movements. Nice song ... lol What has become of her?
Jolie mannequin ! Elle ressemble réellement à une adolescente dans ses mouvements.. Sympa sa chanson...lol Qu est elle devenue ?
what's his problem?
che problemi ha?
Tripple threat
Wow, she's got great voice for blues! It turns out she's also quite a talented painter. I know this is forever ago and she's not modeling anymore, I wonder if she ever pursued music? I'd love to hear it if she did. Artist, singer, and model... what an incredibly talented woman!
Those who just listen to Britney Spears won't like the way she sings, but if you love Blues and Jazz, you will notice that she is an artist beside her nice ( . )( . ) and ( )( )
You're like my girlfriend Juliana...simply beautiful!!
New Nude Evolution
There is a beauty about this film that draws me to watching it again. This film embraces the 'new nude' philosophy by cutting the eurodisco background music and replacing it with the vocal energy of the model. It is a giant step in the evolution of the new nude video clips.
«Finally a clip with a decent length», I thought when I read the intro. Unfortunately, this is what I call a total swing and miss! This clip is absolutely uninteresting and unsensuous. She's lying on her back for twelve minutes just talking and singing, for beep's sake! Okay, this is one crap clip amongst 178 more or less brilliant ones, which is a good rating by any standard. This one, however, is a waste of server space.
Good grief ! I loved the soul that came out in her singing... pretty hard to make acapella sound great so one has to rely on what the song is about... we are not talking pavorati here couldnt catch all the words of the lyrics or dialog.. but Could listen to alot of her singing ( with a little more polish ... true the her posing nude is almost unnecessary... very interesting
Absolutely sublime! I love that this pushes forth the idea that these girls aren’t just pretty faces. That they are real, thoughtful, and intelligent: with beautiful souls as well as beautiful bodies. This is the best film yet.
An amazing body, very fit, beautiful features fantastic model. But a bad singing voice! ... Sorry Olivie
Olivie sun rays May 19th, 2006

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She is literally the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life.
Some magic happens between Petter and Olive. Something special is captured, and I include all the galleries. You should work more with her.
Page two of this gallery works for me.
A special moment with Olive
For me all life is beautiful and practical with a purpose. Like the science of a specialized field such as astronomy mathematics and many others, it seems that until it becomes a part of us where we can explain it the challenge lingers just out of reach and whatever ‘it’ is remains in mystery. For me, when I can draw something like this the explanation is there and the challenge is met. My work becomes a part of me, a part of my knowledge and if I am aloud to share it, it becomes a part of my contribution to humanity. My drawings are the description that somehow satisfies the deep burning passion I have to understand. Olive has sweet qualities that I think bring out the best of me and for this Olive is one of my favorite models. She is the plant you see growing in the warmth of Sun. The delicate reflection off her skin represents the most precious life growing in contrast to the rusty metallic lost frozen industrialized world all outside and un-shown in the photos. Her sweet simplicity is captured here in these photographs giving hope of a bright and happy future. As I study this most wonderful figure through the photographs, my thoughts float toward those private times when the world seems shut out and the only thing that matters is that moment, and a memory develops and comes into focus which is cherished for a lifetime. All the time spent studying the bones, muscles, tissues and drawing techniques coming together for that one perfect real moment. Capturing her likeness sets free the captive words that could never adequately describe the beauty we have beheld.
Olivie sun rays
Olivie is beautiful. No, she is more than that, much much more! Your photos are magnificent! They are art, pure sensual art.
Olivie peeping April 22nd, 2006

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A natural and proud beauty! Well Named ! A woman with a teenage body! The dream ;-)
Une beauté naturelle et fiere ! A juste titre ! Une femme avec un corps d'adolescente ! Le rêve ;-)
Big nipples, soft curves...what more could a man(or woman) want?
beautiful girl!
can you come & peep at my door' Great photos