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奥莱娜 (Olena) 拥有成为下一个超级名模的所有外表,但绝对没有这种愿望。 她会第一个宣布她有超过五个男朋友;这让她的手机无论白天还是晚上都不停地响个不停。拥有华丽浓密的头发和迷人的身材,Olena 知道自己很受欢迎,并且没有兴趣很快安定下来。 不幸的是,Olena 的社交习惯使她无法与 Petter Hegre 一起成功拍摄。在多次打断创作气氛接电话后,Petter最终被迫放弃她,取消拍摄,并护送她离开了工作室。 从那以后就没有她的消息了。
Olena has all the looks to be the next big super-model and absolutely none of the desire.
SHE WILL be the first to announce that she has over five boyfriends; a fact that keeps her cell phone ringing non-stop at all times during the day or night. With gorgeous full bodied hair and a killer figure, Olena knows she is desirable and has no interest in settling down anytime soon.
Unfortunately, Olena’s social habits kept her from experiencing a successful shoot with Petter Hegre. After interrupting the creative atmosphere several times to answer her phone, Petter was eventually forced to give up on her, cancel the shoot, and escorted her out of the studio.
She has not been heard from since.
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