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《爱经》是印度关于精神感官享受的原始文本。它教授各种各样的性姿势,所有这些都是为了在参与者之间带来超然的结合。但今天的印度——压制女性及其性行为——与创造《爱经》的地方截然不同。 这就是我们的新模特 Nuna 的用武之地。她是一位来自 Mumbia 的时装模特,以前从未拍过裸照,但她决定为 Hegre 脱掉衣服,这样她就可以向世界展示真正未受污染的印度美女是什么样子的。 Nuna 不仅是那种启发了古代《爱经》作者的女性,而且是一种激进的新型印度女性,她想要结束印度女性经常面临的耻辱和虐待。 我们很自豪能够让 Nuna 有机会展示她的自由精神,并为印度妇女的解放做出贡献。在她打破禁忌的同时,她也在打破心灵。她深棕色的眼睛、金色的皮肤、乌黑的头发和完美的身材一定会让你自己进入一种感官上的超越状态。 Nuna,谢谢你勇敢地追随自己的内心,向我们展示真正的独立是什么样子!
The Kama Sutra is India’s original text on spiritual sensuality. It teaches a wide array of sexual positions, all designed to bring transcendent union between the participants. But the India of today – with its suppression of women and their sexuality – is a much different place than the one that created the Kama Sutra.
That’s where our new model, Nuna, comes in. She’s a fashion model from Mumbia who’s never done nudes before, but she decided to take her clothes off for Hegre so she can show the world what true unspoiled Indian beauty looks like. Not only is Nuna the kind of woman that inspired the ancient author of the Kama Sutra, but she’s a radical new kind of Indian woman who wants to end the shame and abuse that Indian women face all too often.
We are proud to give Nuna the chance to show her free spirit and contribute to the liberation of women in India. And while she’s breaking taboos, she’s also breaking hearts. Her dark brown eyes, golden skin, raven black hair and perfect figure are sure to send you into a state of sensual transcendence yourself.
Thank you, Nuna, for having the bravery to follow your heart and show us all what true independence looks like!
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