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Nastya 有两个爱好:阅读浪漫小说和驾驶摩托车。 这种组合给她一种梦幻、遥远的感觉,仿佛在遥远的地平线上等待着一位传奇英雄,她迫不及待地跨上她的机器,跑去迎接他。 Nastya 为 Hegre.com 做裸体模特,看看她是否喜欢这种体验,在这里展示的第一张照片中,她明亮的眼睛里流露出信任和惊奇。 Nastya 有种天使般的气质,但你会感觉到她的内心深处是精明和雄心勃勃的。她非常善于保护自己的私生活,她说当她想放松一下时,她会去逛街,或者步行到莫斯科的老城区,在那里她会翻阅二手书店。问她关于未来的事,她翻了个白眼。 18岁,只做了一次裸体模特,未来还有太多的可能性要考虑。
Nastya has two hobbies: reading romantic fiction and driving a motor bike.
THE COMBINATION gives her a dreamy, far away look, as if on the distant horizon a legendary hero is waiting and she can't wait to straddle her machine and race off to meet him. Nastya modeled nude for Hegre.com to see whether she enjoyed the experience, and in that first photo shoot shown here, there is a sense of trust and wonder in her bright eyes.
There is something angelic about Nastya, but you sense that underneath she is astute and ambitious. She is highly skilled at guarding her private life and says when she wants to chill out, she goes window shopping, or takes a walk to the old centre of Moscow where she searches through the second-hand bookshops. Ask her about the future and she rolls her eyes.
At 18, and after modeling nude only once, there is too much future and too many possibilities to consider.
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